Mystery Falls.

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It had turned out that the reason Emma couldn't sleep, wasn't because of the previous night, but because her entire wardrobe was still spread out onto her bed. Emma got up, changing instantly and made her way to Caroline's room. She wasn't there. Emma rolled her eyes, thinking she was at Matts, when her eyes skimmed the time on Caroline's wall clock.

"CRAP!" Emma yelled, sprinting down the stairs.

She swung open the door to see, her mysterious, good looking, now boyfriend, sitting on the bonnet of his Camaro.

"You’re a life saver!" Emma said, hugging Damon.

He laughed and kissed her good morning. They hopped into the car.

"I've been wanting to ask you, how did you do it?" Damon asked, glancing from the road to Emma.

"How did I do what?" Emma looked across to him.

"Well one. How did you beat me in pool and two, how were you able to free yourself from Marni's hold?"

Emma rolled her eyes, knowing his sister would have dobbed her in, "One, I seriously don't see what the big deal is that I beat you in pool and secondly, she’s a 15 year old kid. I think it would be quite easy to free from her hold."  Emma really hoped this didn't turn into a fight.

Damon didn't either. "Yes, I understand. Sorry." He stopped the car. Emma noticed she was at school and he had parked in front of everyone. "Have a good day!"  Damon leaned over and kissed Emma. Making sure that everyone saw.

Emma rolled her eyes and got out of the car.

"Today is going to be a long day!" she thought to herself and entered the school.

 As she had expected, the day was long and boring. Caroline kept complaining about her and Matt and their fights, when they all knew she was the one that usually started them. Bonnie hadn't come that day, so she was alone for most classes and Elena spent most her time with Stefan.

The bell rang to say school was over. As she left class, she ran into Stefan.

"Oh sorry. Trying to find Elena." He apologised.

"No it's okay. Wait, you live with Marni right?" Emma had to talk to her.

"Yeah, why's that?"

"Can you give me a lift? She forgot her homework."  Emma lied.

"Sure, but I highly doubt she’s going to do it." They both laughed and Elena turned up.

"Hey, what are you to talking about?" Elena grabbed onto Stefan’s shoulder.

"Marni doing homework." The both of them laughed.

 Stefan drove both, Elena and Emma back to his house. Silence the entire way.

When she entered the house, Damon was surprised to see her.

"So you couldn't stay away could you?" Damon made his way up to her, leaning down for a kiss when she placed her finger on his lips.

"I'm not here for you. I'm here for your sister." Emma smiled as he released her from his grip, placing his hand out, indicating up the stairs.

"Third room to the left."

Emma smiled, nodded and made her way up to Marni's room.

First she knocked on her door, "Yes, you can come in Damon." Came Marni's voice from inside her room.

Emma opened the door and peered around the edge, to make sure there were no flying objects coming at her. There wasn't, so Emma walked in.

Marni looked up to see Emma not Damon. "Well this is a surprise!" Marni raised her eye brow.

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