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RavenYawning I stretch out my arms sitting up from my bed

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Yawning I stretch out my arms sitting up from my bed. Silk sheets keep my body cool as the morning orange moon shines through my red stain glass windows. Three knocks sounds from my bedroom door. I give the say for them to enter.

"Princess breakfast is being served." One of the many workers we have in the kingdom spoke with her head down as to not look at me. It is a written rule workers must not look or speak to the royalty unless given permission.

"Thank you I shall be down."

"Yes princess." She bows walking out closing my door.

My name is Raven Night Reedwine. My parents are the top most powerful vamps to ever live. What makes us the most powerful? The entire line of my family are the most dangerous to ever be crossed the ones who you tell you're children about on dark nights. Dracula who...he's nothing compared to my great great great great grandfather. He's taken out some of the most powerful men to exist.

As you can tell we're nothing like what those sob love stories try to make us. Vampires are killing masters with no souls.....and I couldn't be happier to be one.

After my shower and completing my attire I make my way down to the dining area where my family awaits to eat. At the head is my father with my mother to his right. They have been together years and years probably more than I can count.

"Morning mother morning father." I smiled kissing each of their cheeks before sitting in my assigned seat to the left of my father.

"Good morning my princess. How was you're slumber?" My father asked drinking his dark coffee.

"Well father I was so tired from my day. School then training it was a lot."

"Royalty comes with both perks and responsibilities. You my princess are next to rule over this kingdom...I want you to be well prepared." He speaks ending with a small smirk like smile.

"Very true my love....well I'm sure today will be much much better." My mother smiled clapping twice.

Four of our workers came from our kitchen with a beautiful and huge cake. Candles on each of the six layers.

"Oh my goodness I completely forgot it was my birthday." I jumped up to get a better look and of course taste that delicious frosting.

"You were not given a creation day greeting this morning?" They both frowned at me. "That is unacceptable who was your greeter this morning!?"

"Father it's ok I'm fine with it-"

"It does not matter! There are rules for these workers and they are to be fully conducted without a thought! These slaves are to know their places and duties like the rotation of the morning and night moons!" He slammed his fist into the table causing it to break into pieces.

My mother and I along with the workers presents all jumped.

"Keep calm my king." My mother soothes him turning his face to hers connecting their head sending a positive spirit to him.

He breathed in before looking at me with his glowing yellow eyes. "Who was you're greeter Raven?"

Sighing I tell him. He called the worker down. I kept my eyes away while he screamed at her. Turning I see his hand around her throat. Eyes turned black and seconds later her limp body is dropped.

"I want her drained, skinned and prepared for dinner. She will be our main course."

Shaking my head I just sit back in my seat. I will not be taking part in that. My taste is not for humans their blood is bitter. All except the vegetarians but their all small so there's never a good meal. I stick to animals it's just what I prefer.

"Now that's over we need to be getting to most exciting and important part of my princess turning 1600 which is the viewing of your mate." My mother came over taking my hands. "Uh it's like it was just yesterday you were taking your first crawl up the wall."

She pinches my cheeks making me blush.

"I don't see what there is to be so happy about." My father mumbled coming over his eyes back to their normal shade of gold. "You are royalty there's no need for a mate."

"You and I both know the time will come when we have to hand over the kingdom and her having a fit mate to rule by her side will be great for not only her but all those in our kingdom." My mother kisses his cheek winking at me. "Come on let's go find your king."

Going down the stairs pass the workers room and dungeon we walk into the passage room. In here is everything from photo albums of our family to books on hidden passages and other secrets about our kind. My father grabs the black book with a mirror on the cover.

"All you have to do is state the words you've leaned since you 1500th with you're name and it'll show you a name then you just flip through until it stops." My mother smiled handing it to me.

Taking a breath I look into the mirror. My parents stood together hugged up watching me with proud smiles.

"I Raven Night Reedwine princess of high royalty stand on my 1600th creation day to find my mate. Royalty to be let it be seen who is my soon to be king."

My....well I was gonna say my heart was racing but you know so let's just say I was really really excited. The mirror did some weird thing rippling and wiggling until a name slowly appeared.

"Cameron Waterson....he sounds cute." I giggled blushing.

My father growls like an animal as my mother and I gush over my future king.

Flipping through the pages I see pictures and videos of him throughout his life until it ended. He looked at lease in his human twenties. Tattoos covering his arms those little sparkles on his cheeks. The first thing that had me falling for him were his eyes. So brown and big. I've always be fascinated with human eyes anything other than gold orange or red gave me chills.

I remember now I saved him from those teenagers. My how he has grown into a fine young man.

"So what now?"

"You'll be transported to the human world and try to win him over. In one human year you'll need to make him fall in genuine love convince him to be king then convert him into one of us."

"Why so little time?"

"I don't know dear that's just how it is. All the training you've been taking on skill and using your powers will come in handy. You'll also have to learn how to deal with the humans."

"And if I cannot complete my task?"

They both just smiled at me. "If it's been made to happen...it shall."

Sounds like a lot but I'm ready. Future husband here I come!

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