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Leia Nightmare first one

Ezra swung his blade ferociously as he practiced his techniques, each movement more vigorous than the last. His feet made a metallic patter as he slammed his boots into the steel roof of the Ghost and his breathing that had originally started at a steady pace had increased into an exhausted pant. But Ezra was unaware of the sweat that trailed down his neck, or the aching in his bones, or even the burning sting that rippled throughout his muscles with each powerful flex.

Leia was shocked how Ezra was doing this much stress

No, he didn't pay attention to that. All he could focus on was perfecting his forms.

Swing. Slash. Block. Parry. Block.

There was no space for error anymore.

Back. Block. Counter. Forward. Swing.

But in the back of Ezra's mind all he could do was remember that day...


The loss...


The pain...


The cold-

Suddenly, the boy lost his footing and stumbled onto the hard roof surface, face first. His arms and legs screamed in agony when they slammed into the metal, clenching his teeth together in the hopes of easing the pain. But it did nothing more than make his jaw throb that much further.

Ezra opened his eyes in a daze, his vision blurred by the hot tears that swelled within them. He blinked rapidly and moved to push himself up, only to be met with a forceful protest by his own body. His arms shook, his legs unstable as the sweat cascaded down his nose and chin. The teen was utterly exhausted and had been pushed to the limit by his own stubborn will that demanded perfection. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just perfection.

Ezra moaned but, despite his pain, forced himself to his feet. When he finally found his footing, he swayed as his legs began to buckle, before managing to stabilise himself after a few long moments. Ezra took a deep breath and sighed.

Memories hit him like a flood as part of his soul was reactivated...

Sabine's expression was one of great care and concern as she wrapped Ezra's hand where the Sith's lightsaber had grazed his skin. But Ezra remained completely still, his eyes cloudy. It had been nearly half an hour since he and Kanan had returned from Malachor, but both were not who they once were. Kanan, blinded. And Ezra, the light sucked from his usually vibrant presence.

Leia began to feel not right

The boy didn't seem to be staring at anything in particular, just his scuffed boots and faded orange pants. But Sabine could see that something was off about him. She glanced up at her friend and asked "How you feeling?"

A ghostly gaze flickered upwards to meet hers, and he replied with an empty tone "Guilty..."

Sabine gave him a sympathetic gaze. "It wasn't your fault Ezra."

A fire ignited within him as he snapped "It was my fault! If I hadn't have been so trusting then Maul wouldn't have... w-wouldn't have..." He trailed off near the end, the spark receding. Ezra returned his gaze to his feet, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes as he whispered "I saw the burns Sabine... I saw them..."

Leia is very shocked how Ezra feels very bad

The mandalorian placed her hand on his shoulder and spoke soothingly "Kanan is strong, Ezra. He survived, he'll adapt, and then he'll thrive. That's the way he's always been."

Star Wars Rebel Ezra Shan with Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now