Hey Man!

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I had been sitting in Cry's* living-room for about 20 minutes now. I glanced around nervously. What's taking you so long man? Cry had said he had a surprise for me and told me to wait here while he gathered some things. So I waited...and he still wasn't finished.
       The room was pretty silent, apart from the constant ticking of the clock on the white wall behind me and the occasional thud or muffled noise from my room - where Cry was. I wanted to go see what he was doing but I stopped myself, not wanting to ruin the surprise because, god damn, I facking LOVED surprises. It must have been around 12 o'clock by now, 43 degrees in Florida too. The green couch I was sitting on was soft and warm to the touch due to the sunlight. I was in Florida to meet a few friends from YouTube, staying at Cry's place to save myself some cash. As well as myself, Toby*, Ian* and Anthony* were also in Florida to stay and meet in person. We hadn't seen each other in ages and were actually meant to be meeting in....oh shit.
       "CRY!" I shouted, standing up and making my way to my room, "We're meant to meet the guys in half an hour!"
       "Hang on man! I'm almost done!" He shouted back. I tried opening the door but something was blocking it, only letting me turn the doorknob furiously, "No peeking!"
       I huffed and paced down the hall impatiently. After another few minutes Cry removed whatever thing was in front of the door and scooted out with a big sports bag - not a rucksack. One you would hold bottles and clothes and stuff in. He was wearing his mask, insisting I don't see his face, so I couldn't tell if he was smirking or not. I assumed he was.
       "Here. I'm done." He said handing me the bag, "Now put it in the car and let's go!"
       I looked at him confused, "Why the bag?"
      "You'll see!" He waltzed out his front door, ushering me out as well and swiftly locked it behind him. His silver car look sleek and shiny in the sun but looks can be deceiving. His car was actually quite old - 4 years he's had it - and while it still worked it still had it's problems. For example: one of the windows didn't roll down anymore and the engine stalled more than usual. Today, however, was a good day and the car started up at once. We set off down the main road and soon enough I fell asleep. HEY! Don't judge! Cars make me sleepy!
       When I woke up we were outside of a forest. There was only a very small, and clearly unused, dirt road behind us. Cry was outside retrieving the bags as I climbed out rubbing my eyes. The sun had certainly gone down a bit meaning I must have dozed off for an hour or so.
       "Afternoon sleepyhead!" Cry said rather cheerfully.
       "Hi.." I said drowsily. Cry chucked and I shot a glare at him but that only made him laugh more causing me to smile a bit. His laugh was pretty contagious. "So, where are we?"
       "A forest."
       "Well no shit!"
       He chuckled again, "No seriously. C'mon, we'll have to walk the rest of the way but it's only a short distance away." He threw the bag at my feet and started walking into the forest.
       "But Crrryyyy! I hate walking!" I moaned, picking up the bag and jogging to him. I didn't want to get lost.
       "Shut up man."
       For the five minutes we walked Cry was continually laughing at my complaining but didn't protest when I jumped on his back and made him give me a piggyback for the rest of the way there. He carried me to a stony beach with a river on the right of us and the forest to the left. There were three other men setting up a camp - two were pinning down a large yellow tent while the third sat by an unlit campfire. Getting closer I saw Ian and Toby doing the work as Anthony was - not surprising - being a lazy ass.
       "BOW DOWN PEASANTS FOR YOUR KING HAS ARRIVED!" I shouted out as we neared them. Anthony immediately sprang to his feet before bowing down as I passed. Ian jumped a little with fright after being so focused on the tent and then rubbed the back off his neck awkwardly, while Toby laughed his ass off, taking pictures of me doing a Usain Bolt pose on Cry's back.
       "Your highness." Anthony said, mocking me in a high pitched voice.
       "What a stylish horse and carriage you have there my King!" chuckled Toby, wiping the tears out of his eyes, "That must be the latest type. I heard they're VERY reliable!"
       "Why yes, I call him Cry-horse the third!" I said dismounting.
       "Oh how original." Ian spoke up, smiling at us both.
       "You think you could do better?" I said, sticking my tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue out at me too but before it could turn into a real childish play fight Cry interrupted us.
       "Yeah, yeah guys." He laughed, "So Felix*, how do you like the surprise? We're going camping!" He exclaimed, flinging his arms into the air in a ta-da fashion.
       "Oh I love it you guys!" I said in my camp-Felix voice.
       "Well good cause we have a lot planned!" Anthony said, sitting back down. Cry wandered over to Toby and Ian to help them set up the tent, a task of which they were failing.
       So...camping, huh? This was going to be interesting.

Author's Note: Ian = Ian Hecox (Smosh), Anthony = Anthony Padilla (Smosh), Toby = Tobuscus, Felix = PewDiePie and Cry = ChaoticMonki. Just in case anyone didn't know =)

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