Chapter 17 I'm fully in love with you!

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Hey Nekos! Final chapter! It's sadly ending. ;-; one cares XD I'm joking but still, I hope you all enjoyed this fan fiction!


Jenny's pov

{Months later}

"Morning Captain." I smiled. After the war, me and Ella returned to the soul society. We were welcomed back with open arms and were both offered the job of Squad 5 captain but, we denied. We prefer being the 3rd seats. It's less work. So they welcomed Shinji back and made him captain.

We've become close to him, he's way better then Aizen was.

Gin went back to being squad 3 Captain and Nnoitra became 4th seat of squad 5. He was pretty pissed that they saw him as only a 4th seat but all of the other spaces were taken. Nnoitra also cut his hair shorter. He told me he was getting sick of the long hair and that it was a pain to wash. He kept his spoon looking uniform but added a squad 5 patch on it.
Me and Ella also kept our arrancar uniforms but instead of them being white, we got them remade in a black colour.

Seeing all our friends again made us cry just a bit. We thought they would hate us. But they still cared about us as much as they did before. "Good morning Jenny. Where's Ella?" Shinji questioned. "Taking her sweet time getting up. We live next to each other so I did try and get her up. It seems like both her and Gin are gonna be late." I chuckled.

"Hey! Why didn't you wake me up!?" Nnoitra suddenly burst through the door, face red from running. "Sorry. You just looked so peaceful whilst sleeping." I giggled along with Shinji. "What's going on in here?" Momo walked in. "Oh nothing. Just teasing Nnoi." I explained. Momo laughed and we all started chatting. About 5 minutes later, Ella and Gin burst through the door.

"Look who decided to finally get outta bed." I smirked. "Shut up. Come on if we don't move now, we'll be late for the meeting!" Ella said and we all started hurrying to squad 1. Once we arrived it wasn't a big surprise that we were the last ones there. This meeting was for captain's and lieutenants but me, Ella and Nnoitra are an exception since we are all on the level of captains.

"Ok now that everyone is here, we can start the meeting." Old man Yamamoto started the meeting and I slowly stopped concentrating. I was day dreaming. "Jenny! Pay attention!" Momo nudged me with a giggle. "Thanks."

Once the meeting was over, we all headed back to squad 5. "Gin shouldn't you be going back to your squad?" Shinji asked. "Nah its fine." He smiled back. "Anyway, WHO WANTS PANCAKES!?" Ella squealed. I smirked and high fived her. "HELL YEAH!"

"How are we gonna have pancakes?" Nnoitra asked. "We installed a small, secret kitchen in the squad. I'm surprised you haven't noticed." We both explained in unison. "How come you didn't tell me!" A voice said behind us. "Rukia! Sorry. But we installed it a week ago." We laughed. "Can I join you for pancakes?" She asked politely. "Sure!"

We arrived back at the barracks and pressed a button on the wall. A wall raised and a small kitchen was shown. "You really weren't lying...." Gin said whilst Nnoitra sighed. "The pancake stuff is in the closet where we keep useless shit. I'll get stuff set up here whilst Jenny gets the pancake stuff." Ella says and starts setting up.

I walked over to the closet and was about to open it when I heard weird noises from inside. "Huh?" I slowly opened the door to find Ichigo and Renji, kissing and getting a bit too close...

"KYAAA~ PINEAPPLE AND STRAWBERRY LOOOOVEEE~" I squealed, scaring both of them. "J-Jenny?!" Ichigo blushed. "Renji why are you in the closet of our squad?" Momo asked with a blush. "Well we both came here to see you guys but we got a bit carried away..." Renji explained.

"Well we're having pancakes so wanna join us?"

"Sure!" They both say in unison. I entered the closet and grabbed the stuff. "Nnoitra! Can you come and help me?" I asked as I tried to reach the pancake mix on the top shelf. I heard Nnoitra enter the closet and close the door behind him. "Hey Babe. What's up?" Without saying anything I pointed at the mix. "Hah. Okay but I get a kiss after!" He smirked as he reached up to get it.

Once he got it, he turned around and put his lips against mine. I went red and kisses back. "Ok enough kissing spoon." I blushed a lot and hid my face in his chest."Sure Jenny." He grinned, proud of the kiss he just got and we both join the others.

Ellas pov

I watched with a smile as everyone ate pancakes. I'm so glad this happened...

"Ella, are you ok?" Gin asked from his seat next to me.

"I'm fine Gin. Just thinking." I replied.

"Thinking about what?" He asked.

"Well, maybe being changed into an Arrancar wasn't such a bad thing. We got the power to defeat that prick Aizen, I got to be with you and Jenny met Nnoitra." I smiled, thinking back to all the times that me, Gin, Jenny and Nnoitra had spent together. "I'd say it had its ups and downs. But I'm glad it was good in the End." He smiled widely.

"Ella your pancakes are so good, just like I remember them." Rukia said with a smile. "I agree Kuchiki! They're so sweet!" Momo smiled. "Aww thanks guys!" I grinned and stuffed more pancakes in my mouth. "Ella you have some syrup on your face." Gin smirked and licked the syrup of my cheek. I went bright pink.

"Gin what did I tell you about doing that stuff in front of me! She's basically my sister!" Ichigo shouted from his seat. We all laughed. "Ichigo you can't stop me and Ella kissing our boyfriends." Jenny giggled. "Yeah I know but I don't wanna see that." He mumbled.

"Ichigo, you can't really criticize them on stuff like that." Renji smirked, obviously referring to before when Jenny walked in on there kissing session. "Shut up pineapple!" The embarrassed substitute hit Renji in his arm.

Both me and Jenny couldn't stop laughing. We both, whilst giggling, spoke in unison.

"We love you all!"

And that's the End. It ends with PANCAKES! ^~^ Anyway I hope you have all enjoyed this weird ride of magic XD See ya in whatever story of mine you decide to read next XD

Until next time my Nekos Bye- Jude xoxox

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