Something More? (Austin and Ally Fanfiction)

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NOTE: I wrote this 3/4 years ago and it's not the best. When I have time I will be editing it. Thank you so much to everyone that has voted/commented over the years!

Something More Than Friends?

Ally Dawson sat at her piano in practice room, above Sonic Boom! Struggling to write the next Austin Moon song.

It wasn't that she didn't have ideas, she had plenty of those, but the lyrics wouldn't come.  The music was there but not the lyrics.

She played the first note of the song, hoping that maybe the words would just come to her. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

"Ahh!" she cried out in frustration.

Every time she wrote down a line of lyrics in her book, she would quickly scratch them out seconds later.

The lyrics that she came up with wouldn't work. Because all the lyrics she came up with kept on being about loving Austin, and she would certainly never let him look at those.

She wasn't sure when it happened. One moment, they were best friends messing around, and the next moment, her heart was pounding, palms were sweaty, and there was a little voice in her head that wouldn't shut up about Austin.

But, Austin was her friend, one of her best friends at that, she didn't want to risk their friendship with the doubt that he didn't feel the same way about her as she felt about him. So, she would keep her feelings to herself, and tell no one, not even Trish, about how she secretly felt about Austin.

She signed and went back to trying to write the song. As I look into your eyes, friendship is all I see. I should be satisfied with that, but I want something just a little bit more. See? If she gave that song to Austin he would know how she felt about her in an instant.

There was no way Austin would like her.

It was just that, Austin was so cute, with him adorable blond hair and bring eyes, with one glance any girl could fall in love with him. But he was so much more than a pretty face. He was the only person that Ally knew that loved music as much as she did; he could play so many instruments, and had the voice of an angel. His personality was amazing too. He was funny and sweet, everything anyone ever wanted in a guy.

Focus she told herself, she need to at least the chorus done soon.

Just as she was about to start up the piano again, the door of her practice room snapped open. Without even looking she knew it was either Austin, Trish, or Dez. They were the only people that didn't respect the employees only sign.

"Hey Ally!" Austin says as he walked in.

Ally's heart did that thing again, loud thumping and skipping beats.

It's only Austin, she told herself it's only Austin, who's your best friend, and nothing more.

 The "nothing more" part upset her.

"Oh, hey Austin," she said as she scooted over so he could sit next to her on the piano bench. Her heart fluttered as their arms brushed against each other.

"How's the new song coming along?" he asked her.

"It's, well, it's not really coming along just yet,"

"Oh, having writer's block again?" he questioned.

She nodded, "Yup,"

"Hm, well, maybe we can do something to get the creative juices flowing," he suggested.

"Such as?" Ally wondered.

"Maybe we could go visit Trish at her new job?"

"Sure" She agreed.

At the moment, Trish was working at the ice cream shop, which was only a five minute walk from the music store, Ally was sure that Trish had worked there at least once, or even twice before. Ally never truly understood Trish's ability to get, and to get fired from so many jobs. She went through jobs the same way other people went through... though.. though something normal people though something really fast.

Ally and Austin made their way to the ice cream shop.

"Hey!" Trish called out, walking towards them from behind the counter, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Just came for some ice cream," Austin replied.

"What! You guys didn't come to visit me?"

"Of course we came to visit you, the ice cream is just an added bonus," Ally told Trish.

"An awesome added bonus," Austin added.

"Well, since you are my friends, whatever you want is on the house!" Trish exclaimed.

Austin and Ally ended up getting an ice cream fudge sundae, and sharing it.

Ally blushed slightly as there spoons clacked together.

"Nothing better than sharing an ice cream sundae with you best friend on a hot summer day," Austin smiled.

"Yeah," Ally agreed, almost cringing at the words "best friend" he just had to say those words.

"I love ice cream," Austin said.

"I love you," Ally blurted.

No, awkward silence didn't stay for a while. No, Ally didn't run away, and neither did Austin.

"I love you too," Austin said.

You know that feeling when you get an A on a test that you didn't study for? Or when your mom's making a new recipe and your dad shows up with pizza?  Those feelings don't even come near what Ally was feeling at the moment.

"You're more than my best friend-" he continued. It wasn't possible. There was no way he felt the same way about her..

"You're also my partner. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be where I am right now,"

And there it was. Exactly like she had predicted, Austin Moon did not like Ally.

"Your uh, welcome," she said stoically, hiding her emotions.

We will never be more than friends she thought.

Why couldn't her life be a romance novel? If her life had been a romance novel right now, Austin would have confessed his true love for her, and the two of them would have lived happily ever after.

But her life wasn't a romance novel, so it didn't happen.

So there it was. Austin did not like Ally. Ally liked Austin.

Ally was just thankful the I love you  thing didn't scare Austin away. Of course Austin did think that Ally meant the I Love You in the friendship way. It could be worse, Ally admitted. she could be in love with her enemy, like Dez and Trish. It was so obvious. That Dez and Trish liked each other.

No, Ally wasn't in love with her enemy, she was just in love with her best friend.

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