Chapter Twoooooooo!!!!!

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Ennard's P.O.V.

Today I plan to mess with the night guard. Over time I've Learned to pretend. Only I can talk like Baby. I'll guide him and them take him to the scooping room! Only he might try to get into the secret room... hmmmmmmmmm....... he will listen. Or he will deny and die!!!!!! Well I guess I have to introduce myself. My name is Ennard Shamille. Say it right. Enn- are- d Sha- mile!!!!! Say it right. The other day I was torn apart. My human form is still hot though!!!! Someone knocks at the door. A beautiful girl with short pink hair walks in. She walks in with a girl who has short white hair. Funtime is the one with white hair. The other I don't know.

"This is Mangle!" Funtime smiles.

"Yo." Mangle peace signs me.

"Try not to get any ideas. She's got a husband." Funtime continues to smile.

"Your being really creepy right now Funtime." I glare.

I look at Mangle. She has one missing eye. Like me. Her hands made of black metal with pink, sharp, nails. My hands are also made of black metal. Her sharp fox teeth look like mine. The only difference is that I'm not a fox. I can see she's studying me too. She comes over and grabs my hand. She lifts it up and they're the same. She looks at me and I look at her. It was like looking into a mirror that changed your gender. I could tell she was thinking that too. Another fox comes in and sees Mangle looking at me confused. Now there are three fox's in the room and me.

"Is she okaaaaaaaaay???" The new fox asks.

"Ennard, this is my brother Foxy!!!!!" Funtime hugs him.

"Hi." I say.

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