Chapter. 2

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Chapter. 2 

I open my eyes and it's pitch black. Whatever caught me is flying...Am I dreaming? Why did this thing save me? I have no purpose at all....... I am just a stupid 16 year old teen who has no friends except for at most 1 and no mother. I am not special.... Suddenly I black out from all the drinks I had. 

Next morning.... 

knock knock knock.....knock knock knock... 

"Joey get up and take your medication! I am going to work!" my dad yells on the other side of the door to my room.

I rub my eyes and get out of bed.... I'm still in the clothes I wore last night and I smell like shit and beer. I take my clothes off and turn on the shower. Flash backs of my dream I had come into my head... Damn that was a crazy dream... I turn the nob of the shower fosset to the warm temperature and step into the shower. Feelings of the warm water hitting my back makes me feel so relaxed and calm. I start to close my eyes because I feel so comfortable. Flash backs interrupt my calmness and my heart starts beating fast. My hand leans against the shower and my hair is dripping wet. My flash backs leave my head and I get back to what I was doing.

Soon, I turn off the shower and grab my towel. I dry off and wrap the towel around my waist. Walking to my bed I see my phone vibrating. On the screen it says missed call from Grace. I hurry and pick up the phone and call back.

ring ring......

ring ring.....


"Joey?" I hear grace's worried and shocking voice.

"Grace? Are you ok? I am so sorry I left you last night... I should have brought you home." I apologize while I unwrap my towel from my waist and go to my closet.

"No it's fine. Are you ok Joey? I was really worried about you?" Grace responds

"I am fine. How come?" I ask suspiciously.

"Meet me at the park." Grace hangs up.

Why the hell is she so worried?

I put on my gray v-neck and blue skinny jeans, along with my vans. Then I walk down the stairs, get a glass of water, and take my anti-depressant pills....Yes I take those..... Anyways, I walk out the door and remember I forgot my coat. I then go back and side and slide it back on. While I am walking down the street I start getting the flashbacks of the winged thing in my dream that saved me. Still asking myself Why? Am I important? I take my hands out of my pocket and rub them together because it is very cold and I am freezing out here.

"Joey!" a voice calls to me.

I see grace and yell back to her


I then run to her trying not to slip on the ice. I finally reach her and I put my arm around her. The butterflies and my stomach start to flutter up again and it makes my smile. Me and Grace finally make it to the park and we race to the swings. I grab a swing quickly and Grace then reaches the other. We start to giggle and look at each other feeling like kids again. Our laughter suddenly fades and we stop speaking for a minute. 

"Grace?" I ask. 

"Yeah?" she responds while kicking the mulch with her dirty white converse. 

"Why were you so worried?" I ask her while staring at her pale Rosie cheeks. 

"Joey...." she pauses. 

"Yeah?" I ask and look into her sparkly blue eyes. 

"You're not going to believe this but...... The flashbacks you've been seeing...." She pauses again. 

"How do you kno-"

I start to speak but she interrupts me saying

"They're not a dream... They're real...." Grace responds and looks at me straight into the eyes. 

"What? I was going to kill myself last night?" I respond getting out of the swing shockingly. 

"Yes.....And... I- I saved.... you." She stutters. 

"What? That's impossible! The thing in my drea- well, at the bridge, had wings!" I respond in shock of all the nonsense. 

"I knew you weren't going to believe me..." Grace gets out of her swing and walks off in tears. 

I look back at her walking away and I run to her.

"Wait! Grace!" I yell to her.

She turns back and I put my hands on her shoulders and move them up to her cheeks.

I look at her straight into the eye not knowing what to say but words come out saying  

"I believe you Grace.... I believe you..... But why? Why did you save me? We just met and you save my life? Please just give me an explanation....." 

"Sit down...." she responds and takes a seat on the bench. 

I look at her waiting for her to be ready to explain everything. She looks at the ground and I see tears falling and hitting the mulch. 

" angel of the Lord..." she says looking up at me wiping her tears. 

"What? But there is no god....." I respond in doubt. 

She gets up looking furious saying

"Yes! Yes there is! And, Don't you ever say that!" 

"I am sorry Grace.... But I don't believe in God..." I respond. 

"You said you would believe me right?" she responds and kneels down and looks up into my eyes. 

"Yes.... But there is no proof...." I say looking up to the sky. 

She gets up and looks at me firmly and says 

"You want proof? Fine..... I will give you it." 

She then touches my forehead with two fingers and I end up at the county fair. I look around in such shock and I have cotton candy in my hands. Grace is right across from me far but not too far because I can still see her. She looks back at me and I stare at her until I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

"Okay, Joe. You get one try and that's it." a female voice tells me and it's recognizable. 

I turn around and see my mother smiling. She always looked happy... No one ever figured out why she had taken her life..

"Mom?" I say starting to cry. 

I hurry and grab her, squeezing her tight. 

"Okay. Come on baby! Go win me a stuffed bear." she gives me a kiss on my cheek. 

I freeze and just stair at her, feeling the tears run down my face. 

"Well, go on!" She pushes me. 

I blink and its all over. All the rides,lights, and music. Then I see grace still sitting. 

"I told you." she tells me. 

I run over to her and give her a hug. 

"Thank you.....So much Grace." I tell her tearing up. 

"You're welcome..." she squeezes me back and suddenly stops.. 

I let go and look at her and she is looking at something behind me. 

"Grace? What is it?" I respond looking at her fearful face. 

"Oh shit..." she whispers. 

I turn around and see a tan tan guy with blue eyes just like Grace....And me.... 

"Hello Grace." The tall tan man greets her smirking. 

to be continued......  

Authors note: 

Sorry this chapter was super short! Next chapter will be up soon :) 

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