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jace. i've known you for a long while now, we don't really talk as much anymore, but thats okay, things change, people grow apart, i understand that. i just want to say thank you. for always being there for me, for the crazy long skype calls, for putting up with me..for everything i guess. and im sorry, for everything ive done wrong, anything ive said and or done that ever hurt you. i love you  with all my heart.. ♡


trey..jesus christ even hearing your name in my head triggers so many memories..we've had some fucking amazing times, and some horrible shitty ones as well. we've both been through alot, together as friends.. and apart as strangers. we're very close and comfortable with each other, you will forever hold a special place in my heart, ill always be here unconditionally and i love you..more than i think you'll ever know.


brycie. my liddo babeh, we've known each other aboutttt six months? i think so. but anyways, our friendship is definitely one to cherish. we're both stubborn and petty as fuck so we're either being all adorable or trying not to break the others heart while we're arguing, there's no inbetween, and i love that, because we're honest. i literally tell you everything..even super embarrassing shit about my ooa that no one knows. you mean absolutely everything to me and i fucking love you crack head 💖


cam, your name dead ass gives me butterflies 😩, you're the love of my mf life, you're my happiness, my sanity, the reason im still here, the reason im improving and striving to get better, you are a fucking blessing and i can't believe you're with me. we have two beautiful kids together and im proud to be married to you, our relationship is everything ive ever wanted and more..hell you're beyond everything that ive ever wanted in a significant other and i will be forever grateful for our time together.


my sugar foot 🙈💞, its nice to finally have you back, im glad that you forgave me and im glad that we can move on, i missed you like hell. you're a staple in my happiness as well.. you'd tell me everyday how much im worth, id wake up to thoughtful, poetic paragraphs from you very often. i took you for granted, and for that i will forever be sorry. i love you..and i hope i dont fuck this up again..

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