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It was finally time for lunch. I hurried out of the class and searched for Adam like a crazy person.

As I look up and down in the closets I then bumped into Justice.

He looked at me and noticed I was frustrated.

Justice-"Whats wrong? Are you still looking for that freak?"

I then angrily responded-"He's not a freak A**HOLE. He just needs a friend."

Justice then asked in shocked-"Did I offend you?"

Tori-"No , am sorry.Am just tired of people picking on the minority."

Justice-" Not to be a D*** , but I think your taking this a little to seariously."

Tori-"No am not , I just understand how it feels to be alone."

Justice-"Were you bullied in your old school?"

Tori-"Is it obvious?"

Justice chuckled and said-"Pretty much. Look you dont have worry about being bullied or about Adam. We only have one more term and then we're out of here. We only have a small amount of time left here so we might as well enjoy it and not worry over some kid getting bullied."

I guess Justice was right , even though something kept telling me to check on him , instead I just began walking to the cafeteria to stuff my face with America's processed meats.

As I was passing the stairs I notice Adam speed walking up the stairs.

I ran to him and said -"Hey , i've been looking everywhere for you."

Adam then  asked in confusion-"Why?"


Adam-"Why did you punch me ?"

I then awkwardly responded-"I really dont know."

Adam then rolled his eyes and kept walking up stairs.

I frustratedly stopped him and said-"Hey D*** HEAD I searched this  entire school  for you . Now its time for me and you to talk and be friends."

Adam-" You sound crazy."

Tori-"I know."

Adam then grabbed my hand  and  pulled  me up  the large amount of stairs to the roof top of the school.

I then asked him -"Why did you bring me here?"

Adam-"Listen you seem nice , but people like you doesn't hang out with people like me."

I then held his hand and said-"Thats ridiculous , I'll hang out with who ever I want to hang out with."

Adam then pushed my hand away and said-" I brought you here to warn you , not to have a cuddle party."

Tori-"Warn me about what?"

Adam-"This isn't an ordinary school Tori. This school is dangerous. Becareful who you befriend , and remember that know one is to be trusted."

Justice  shoved open the door and aggressively said-" Meet  me down stairs Tori . Me and Adam have to talk."

I looked at Adam and saw the terror in his eyes. I then held his hand and kissed his cheek and said -"Everything we will be alright , I'll be right back."

I went down stairs. As I began walking downstairs I started to wonder what Adam meant by "NO ONE IS TO BE TRUSTED".

Minutes later  Justice rushes down stairs and catches up with me and says-"Hey we're done talking, let go it eat am starving."

Tori-" Wheres Adam?"

Justice then puts on this suspicious smirk and said-"He said he'll catch up with you later."

Then we heard this heart racing scream.

Everyone ran outside to see what happened.

It was Adam hanging from the American flag  with his throat slit and his tongue yanked out his mouth.

There was a note written in blood on the wall.


Who would do this and why?

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