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Turns out Charlie's a dumbstruck fangirl when it comes to Jules Livingstone. We've run into her twice since we got back from in town and both times, Charlie couldn't even manage a 'hi', even though Jules said hello both times.

I shove my shopping bags into my suitcase. "You're going to have to get used to being around her if we're going to train with them this week."

"I know," Charlie replies. "I don't know what happens. I see her and I just go blank. It's like my brain just can't function whenever she's near by."

"Maybe you've got a crush on her," I tease.

Charlie laughs. "Maybe I have." She falls back onto her bed and looks up at the ceiling. "I feel like such an idiot."

"If it's any consolation, I know how you feel."

"You do?" Charlie sits back up and cocks her head. "Do tell."

"When I was four, I threw up all over the red Wiggle. Totally overwhelmed by his fame. And probably too much jumping around during the concert."

Charlie cracks up laughing. "What happened?"

"I don't really remember much except for what Mum's told me. He said it happened all the time."

"Yuck. Poor guy."

"I know. I used to want to be a school teacher when I grew up, but when I realised I'd probably be dealing with kids like me, I changed my mind." I sit down on my bed and cross my legs. "What is it about Jules that makes you like her so much?"

Charlie thinks on that for a moment. "I guess," she says, "it's just her confidence. She just oozes it, you know?"

"I've never seen her play, so I have no idea."

"I'll have to show you the youtube clips of her playing in a mens' league after dinner. You should see the way she hits a ball. It's like..." Charlie looks off into space, searching for the right words. "Have you ever watched a cricket match and the batter just doesn't look like getting out?"

I nod. "Yeah. It's like no matter what the bowler bowls, the batter's got them covered."

"Exactly. That's Jules. It's like she knows what the bowler's going to bowl before they bowl it. She's amazing to watch."

"Who's amazing to watch?" Oona surprises us both.

"Jules Livingstone," I reply. "One of the Brisbane squad players."

"Right," Oona says, apparently having no idea who we're talking about. "I just came to let you know the dining hall's open early tonight if you want to come down."

"What's for dinner?" Charlie asks.

"Spaghetti bolognese."

Charlie jumps up off her bed. "I love spag bog."

I follow Charlie and Oona down the hallway. "That's what you said about the roast last night. And your burger today."

"I just love food," Charlie shrugs.

"Don't we all," Oona replies, and we all laughas we head down the stairs.

Alice Henderson On DebutWhere stories live. Discover now