Jesse stared at Blaire. She's so beautiful, Jesse thought. With green eyes that sucked her in and long dark brown hair that flowed down her back, Blaire was definitely the most gorgeous teenager ever. Her pomegranate blossom perfume infused the air and distracted him, so he missed the turn. "I think you passed it," she said. Jesse smiled. "I got a better idea..." He said. Pulling over, Jesse turned to the side and opened the door. Blaire smiled and Jesse fell in love all over again.
Years later.
Jesse yawned and opened his eyes, searching his hands for the alarm that woke him. Blaire, his girlfriend of two years held out a cup of coffee for him "morning sweets" she smiled. Jesse laughed and made a face. "This coffee is very bitter" he scrunched his face up and closed his eyes, hearing Blaires melodic voice next to his ear. "Maybe this'll be sweeter" she said and pulled him next to her, turning her head and lowering her mouth onto his. Jesse fell back into the bed suddenly, a sigh escaping his lips first. Blaires eyes flew open and she smiled. Letting him sleep. She still remembered the day they met, so long ago at Hilary's party that night she remembered how Jesse missed the turn of her house and stopped of at another area in town. The stars that night were clear and the sparkling reflection of them shined in his eyes. After dating for a year and a half, Jesse proposed and, while thinking this, Blaire put her finger on the emerald engagement ring Jesse had given her, saying "an emerald ring for my emerald eyes girl" she smiled again and gazed lovingly at her husband. He was pale, as he was every morning so Blaire went to get him his drink from the mini bar. After pouring the bright red liquid into a cup, she walked it to her husband, waking him to drink it. "I was thinking about when we met. Do you remember that?" She asked. Jesse smiled. "how can I forget the best day of my life? Remember me telling you that our kiss bonded us in a special way, a true bond of deep magic, and love forever? I also can recall me showing you my vamp side." Blaire thought back to before.
" I need to tell you something. When my people kiss someone, they get bonded. Not in the normal way, the type of bond that drives you crazy when your apart, and you will feel that you need them for the rest of their life." Blaire nodded, staring into his eyes. Her sweet scent locked my vampire bloodlust into action. My eyes glowed yellow, my fangs were long and itching to kill. My thoughts were wild, and I told her to leave. She refused and helped me. She ran into the woods and o thought she left for safety, but she came back a large sheep. I didn't even think, I just ripped the animals neck and sucked till it was dry and dead. But my hunger wasn't satisfied.
Blaire gasped as the i prowled towards her, then she did something I wished she didn't have too. She kissed my fanged, blood soaked mouth and my dripping red lips. My anger faded as she soothed my temper. Her tongue went over my sharp teeth, and though she was drinking blood of her own kind, she only stopped when the beast inside had left."Hello?" Blaire snapped back to reality, away from the coppery, salty blood filled kiss she gave him all those years ago. Jesse smiled and she snuggled into his arms. "I was just thinking."
In Love With A Vampire
Про вампировAll goth Blaire can't stand Hillary or Tia, but a party with them? Popularity rise much. But Jesseis there, maybe it's not so bad! After all, he is the hottest guy alive... If he is alive... Has Blaire fallen for a bloodsucker?