Chapter 1. This Is How It All Began

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Not only  did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed but my alarm clock didn't wake me up in time. I had to spend all morning rushing and getting to class to only find out that our teacher wasn't there today. A sigh escaped my lips as I look at the clock and saw I was a few minutes late but then I looked around to find no teacher for us. The board had chalk written on it from our normal teacher saying there will be another in his place to watch over us but they were nowhere to be found. I sighed again as I began to make my way over towards my desk that was located in the back. I placed my books down on it and then stared up at the clock as the remaining of the students roamed around the classroom chatting away. I began counting the minutes to how late the teacher was to the classroom.

6 minutes late.

7 minutes late.

8 minutes late.

9 minutes late.

Now 10 minutes late.

Until the door slammed opened and a young man walked into the classroom with a cigarette in his mouth. 

  "Alright everyone shut up. I'm here. " He yelled out as the students that were standing began to make their way towards their seats and sitting down as he made his way towards the front of the class. " I'm Mr. Black. Don't screw with me and we'll get along fine." The so-called substitute teacher said as he scratched the back of his head. " What's this class again?"

I couldn't help but sigh to myself when he said that... He was the substitute after all so shouldn't he know what class he would be going to before starting his day? I cleared my throat and then gave him an answer since no one else wanted to. 

"This is History Class," I answered him as I stared up towards him and placing my chin onto my hand, waiting for the lesson to start. 

  "Right, this is History Class."  He began to say until sounds of what looked to be sirens were heard from outside and his gaze moved from me towards the window. 

My eyes darted towards the window right next to me and my ears picked up a girl screaming. I looked around to see if anyone else heard it but it looked like I was the only one since I was born with naturally good hearing but it came with a price. I would get a headache and my ears would start to hurt a lot with loud noises and speaking of loud noises... An alarm began to go off in the school and my first reaction is to cover my ears as best as I can without getting pain from it. 

  "GOD DAMN IT!!" The substitute yelled out loud and it made me growl towards him for making more noise.

Not only am I dealing with loud alarms but I had screaming classmates and the teacher yelling wasn't making anything better. So I got up out of my seat and began making my way towards the door until there was a gun shot from inside the classroom. My eyes turned to find the substitute teacher holding a gun into the air and then putting it away while trying to give us the best of a smile he could give.

  "Now that I have gotten your attention. Can everyone just sit the fuck down."  He said until his eyes landed on me and he made his way towards me.  "Hey, Missy where are you going?"

"Oh nowhere..." I said as I place my hand onto the doorknob and opened the door.

I was going to walk out until I felt a hand on my shoulder, stopping me from going anywhere. I turned my head around and gave the substitute a glare before walking out of there. Once I was out I was just greeted with more sounds from the alarms, students screaming and they were running. I let out a sigh as I dropped my books onto the ground, not needing them anymore, and began to walk until a student pushed past me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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