Synopsis & Explanation

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Finding out you're a werewolf is hard to digest. Finding out you're an Alpha with two mates? It's a mindfuck.

Rhiannon Chambers has had the average life of an average teenage girl in an average town. Finding out she was a werewolf was just life's way of playing a cruel practical joke, right? After a whirlwind of vague answers from her mother (was she even her mother?), Rhia is swept away to Cosgrove Academy. A school for fucking werewolves. But, maybe, it's not all that bad, since, life's got some surprises in store for her, right? Navigating life in a werewolf's world can't be that hard. After all, she's got two mates to support her! Right?

Callista Archeletta is to rule the House of Archeletta as Alpha any moment her father decides. Her house, built on equality and justice was one of the only remaining houses that still followed the werewolf's old system. Artemis's system. Callista may be all flames and wickedness on the outside, but inside? Inside, she harbors desires, desires her mother's strong hold on her forbid her to taste. Having more than one mate doesn't freak her out. Who her mates are? Yeah, that's an entirely different story..

Salem Castle has lived her whole life being spoilt. Being pampered was just.. 'normal' for her. Though, Salem, may be known as the spoilt heir to the Alpha of the House of Castle to most of Cosgrove Academy, she's hiding a whole lotta shit under those bitchy blue eyes. Being mated to Rhia, an "Alpha" that can't tell wolfsbane and nightlock apart and Callie, her heritage-sworn rival, the girl that's supposed to be her archenemy, can't be good in any way, right? But Salem can't let her guard down, she knows the two girls can easily slither their way into her heart and unveil the secrets she has hidden her whole life and shine light on the shadows she dwells in.

What's power when it has no worth? It's all just Empty Gold.

Hey! So, basically, this is a story about an all girl polyamorous triad. As in, girlxgirlxgirl. All the girls are each other's mates. Everyone is involved with everyone. A is involved with B and C who are also involved with each other. ^.^

Title Taken From Halsey's Empty Gold

Empty Gold (girlxgirlxgirl) (Polyamorous Triad) Where stories live. Discover now