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Christmas, it's the best time of year. It's filled with love, joy, happiness. It was also Jake's favorite hoilday.  He loved everything about it. The snow, the food, the music, just everything. But this Christmas was going to be even more special. Him and Marley were starting a family together. and he couldn't be happier. Jake's life was perfect. He was a dance instructor at Juillard, okay more like an assiant dance instrctor, but hey it still payed good money. Plus he lived in his favorite town with his wife of 4 years and their soon to be daughter. He knew for a fact that his life could not be better. He woke up the snow was falling and it looked so peaceful outside, he turned and saw Marley still sleeping soundly. She looked so stunning, even when sleeping. He got up and headed to the kitchen to make them, or more like her, some breakfast. Twenty minutes later he was back and got back into bed and kissed her cheek and neck.

"Wake up beautiful"

"Mhhh" She moaned. 

"Come on babe, I have breakfast."

She finally opened her eyes and sat up. "Aw thank you baby" She kissed his cheek.

"So how is our baby girl doing this morning?" He rubbed her belly.

"Fine, I'm guessing, because she keeps making me so uncofortable. I can't take it any more."

"I know sweetie, but maybe after we get going a little bit, it will happen."

"Yeah right"

" Marls, think positive."

"I'm sorry but I just don't think it's going to happen today, I mean I'm already 2 weeks late."

"How about we finish eating and get dressed and then we can go on a walk around the city, after all you love doing this, every year."

"I do but I don't know if my body  can handle it."

"Remeber what the doctor said, talking long walks help with labor."

"Okay fine." She got up and wobbeled to the closet to change. Jake followed after and after a few minutes, they were already out side, heading down the street. She had to admit, even though she was cold and tired, it was nice to get out a little bit and see the snow falling. Marley would have never thought that she would be living in New York, married to Jake and having a family with him. It was all a dream come true to her.


After a few hours of walking, Marley started feeling pains. They would happen every few minutes and they made her stop and bend down a bit for them to ease up a bit. She had never felt pain like this before, she thought cramps were bad, but this didn't even compare. 

"Ow" Marley yelled again.

"Marls, you've been doing this for the past 10 minutes." He grabbed her face. "Are you sure this isn't time?"

"I don't know, I havent felt these pains yet. It could be."

"Come on, we need to get you to the hospital."

They got a taxi quickly, Jake was a master when it came to that, then they went to the hospital. They were checked into a room and his nerves were working up more as they were waiting for the doctor. But he knew it was about her right now, not him. He kept her hands in his.

'It's okay baby, I'm gonna be here the whole time, I promise." He kissed her forehead.

"I know you will be Jake" She siged heavy.

The doctor came and checked everything and wrote down notes and the whole time Jake's mind is going crazy. He wanted to know what was going on with Marley and the baby. It was driving him crazy. "Well?"

"It's time"


The process felt like years. Marley was tired and gross. All she wanted to do was shower and then sleep. She had never done something that literally drained everything out of her before. After the first few pushes, everything begin a little fazy. All she heard was the doctor telling her what to do and Jake tell her to keep going. But once everything ended, she felt herself coming back to reality.

"Jake?" She whispered

"Hey babe, how you feeling?"


"I bet, but I'm sure it was worth it to be bring our beautiful little angel into the world."

"Yeah, it was" Marley gave a small smile.

"Marls, I'm so proud of you." He kissed he softly.

"You better be, after all you made this happen Mr.Puckerman" She giggled softly.

"Yes but you weren't exactly innocence either Mrs. Puckerman" 

"Mhh, never get tired of hearing that."

"Good, because I never get tired of saying it." he smiled.

 "So where's aour girl at?"

"Right here" The nurse smiled as she walked in and handed the baby to Marley. "Do we have a name yet?"

Marley smiled bigger at the sight of her daughter. When the nurse asked about a name, she looked at Jake. The last time they talked about it, there were done to a few. "Babe, you pick."


"J that's so pretty and it works perfect since it's the holidays."

Jake just smiled and then leaded down to capture Marley's lips in a soft kiss and then moved his lips to his angel's forehead.

"Now of course we want to keep you two here at least over night."

"That's perfect because then we can be home for the hoildays and start some family traditions." 

"I can't wait to start them." Marley said happily.

"Me too babe." He grabbed the little girls hand into his own. "Thank you for giving me the best Christmas gift ever." Jake kissed her again.

Marley giggled into the kiss. This Christmas was going to be amazing. Now they had their daughter to spend it with and she wouldn't want to spend it any other way then the with the two people she loved more than anything in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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