Now what?

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It takes me a moment to realize what it is he said. I fall to my knees, unable to stop the tears. I can't see, my eyes blurry, but I feel someone sit down next to me. Gentle, comforting arms wrap around me. "Shhh, it's going to be okay. Everything's going to be alright," I hear Paul say, but I can't make myself respond.When I calm down enough to speak I gasp out "But...where...will...I...go?" I feel someone else bend down. This time Hannah speaks," Don't worry about that. You still have us." "You can stay with me. After all, it wouldn't be a huge change," Paul says. I chuckle, surprising myself. I stay resting in Paul's comforting arms until I'm calm enough to stand up. I wipe my eyes and see everyone looking at me, worried. "Are you okay?" Simon asks. I nod, afraid that if I speak I'll start crying again."Why don't you two head home?" Lewis offers. I nod, so I follow Paul to his car. The ride home is silent, both of us unwilling to break it. When we get home I get in my pajamas even though it's only 4. I climb into bed and start crying again. I hear the door open and suddenly there's pressure on the bed. Paul rubs my back, "Don't worry, I'm here for you." I turn around and snuggle close to him, his warmth helping to calm me. I'm so exhausted physically and emotionally I fall asleep in his arms.

I wake up in the morning, Paul fast asleep next to me. I gently get up, trying not to wake him. I grab some clothes and head to my bathroom. I take a shower, my tears mixing with the warm water. I get out and change. Not really knowing what to do I jump on my computer, hoping to distract myself. I jump on twitter to check my popular account. I have over 2,000 new mentions, more than I've ever received. I start reading them and realize why. Every one seems to be condolences. I finally reach the cause of all the attention. It's a tweet from Paul, "My good friend @Simca just lost her parents in the plane crash, so I might not be posting videos for a few days." Suddenly Paul walks out of my room, yawning. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. "How are you doing?" he asks, worried. "I would be doing a lot worse if I didn't have you and the others. I just can't believe they're gone,"I say, surprised when I don't feel the prickle of tears threatening to fall. "And why won't you be posting videos?" I ask remembering his tweet. "Because I thought I'd take a few days off to be with you. I know you probably don't want to be alone. And we have to go to the funeral, which will be in three days." "You don't have to go with me,"I say, not wanting it to get in the way of his life. "Don't worry, I want to go with you. You need someone right now, and I won't leave your side unless you really want to be alone." I hug him, extremely thankful to have him with me.

We start packing to fly out the next day, planning to only be gone four days- 2 days there and back and two to be at the funeral and attend the reading of their wills. The day of the funeral Paul and I get in the rental car and head to the funeral home early to greet the family and friends that are coming. The first people to show up are Aunt Carol and Uncle Bert. "You must be Paul, we've heard so much about you from Trish and Bob. Thank you so much for taking in Andrea, you mean the world to her." "I'm just glad I can be here for her. She's become like a daughter to me the last few weeks," he says, putting his arm around my shoulders. Over the next fifteen minutes or so everyone comes filing in, so we start the funeral. After the pastor talks a little about them I get up to say my part. I don't get halfway before I start crying. Paul comes up and pulls me into a hug, helping to calm me. When I'm calm again I finish, and when I'm done a sort of calm comes over me. It's as if I realize they're in a better place, I can see in my mind mom and dad smiling at me. Mom has dealt with terrible migraines for the last seven years, and now she's finally out of her pain. After the end of the funeral Paul and I head to the attorney's office for the reading of their wills. Since I'm their only child I get most of their stuff. A little goes to their brothers and sisters, and a good portion even goes to Paul. It's interesting to me, they must have done their wills recently to have included Paul. It's as if they knew they where going to die.

We head to 'my' house to grab what I want of theirs, then the rest is going to whoever else wants it in the family. I don't grab much, only some of my mom's jewelry and my dad's bank with all his Indian head pennies, which were very special to him.

The next day we fly back o Bristol to get ready for Minecon next week. "Are you sure you want to go now? You don't have to," Paul kept saying, not believing me when I said I was fine. "I'm sure; I said nothing would make me miss it. They would want me to go. Anyway, like I said, I'm at peace with it now." He finally accepts my answer and doesn't ask me again. When we get back to the office the others come over. "How are you doing?" Tom asks, looking worried. "I'm fine. I'm okay with it now. Mom's been dealing with terrible migraines, and now she doesn't have any more pain." Lewis hugs me, "Remember you always have us. If you need anyone to talk to we're here for you." "Thanks guys. I seriously don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you," I say, smiling at them. Paul and I get back to recording and doing our normal routine, at least until Minecon comes.Suddenly everything is hectic. The day before we all leave everyone's getting ready, doing as much recording as possible. We can edit later. We all want to make sure we have enough recorded for the fans while we're busy at the signings and panels. We all head home early to pack. Paul keeps asking me if I'm remembering to bring my hair brush, pajamas, or whatever. I laugh, he is just like a father, which, I guess he is now.

Chance of a Lifetime (A Yogscast Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now