Chapter One

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Stay tuned for my announcement right after this chapter, but for now:

"Please?" I sigh gently, "I'm tired and I have to volunteer early tomorrow."

My boyfriend stops his conversation with his friends and turns to look at me, "Just a minute. Go grab some snacks and I'll take you home in a few; alright?" He compromises gently.

He was standing in a small circle with some of his football friends while I opted for sitting on the floor with my back against the wall. We had already been at this party for three hours and I knew absolutely no one here.

I press my lips together lightly and pick up a chip from the plate of food sitting beside me, "I already have some."

"Bree, then go talk to someone," he sighs in a slightly frustrated way. I could tell that he was a bit under the influence of beer because he gets cranky.

I push myself into a standing position with a soft sigh, "Can I have the keys please," I ask with an unsatisfied facial expression.

Carter frowns, "Why."

"Because I'm going to go sit in there," I say gently, holding out an open palm.

"Go ahead, pansy. Hand her the keys," One of his friends drunkly laughs.

My boyfriend's expression hardens as his need to defend his pride kicks in, "I said go talk to someone," he repeats to me.

I stand my ground and raise a sarcastically shocked eyebrow, "And I said that I'm sitting in the car."

"Damn, bro. You're getting slammed," The same friend scoffs, sipping more beer. I narrow my eyes at him and then proceed to hold out an open palm again; waiting for the keys.

"Now, Carter. You aren't driving anyway- you've had at least three beers," I point out.

"I was in the middle of a conversation. Wait," He presses.

"I'll get someone else to lend me their car then," I say in a slightly angry tone. I turn away from him and ignore any protest behind me.


Turns out; when you don't know anyone, no one wants to drive you home... Figures, right?

I decided that I would sit on the pool lounging chairs outside of the loud house. The backyard was mainly where the anti-drinkers were.

I should feel comfortable being out here... But I have a dreadful feeling that when Carter drinks more; it won't mean anything good for me.

I set the chair on the lowest setting so it is completely flat and lay down. I give myself a chance to simply look up at the night sky. Nothing spectacular tonight.

Last weekend there was a meteor shower where Carter and I snuck out onto my roof with a blanket and some food. It was an amazing feeling to watch the sky become filled with what looked like shooting stars. I would point excitedly at each streak of light that I would see and Cart would laugh gently and point out another.

I don't like when he's with his friends. All of a sudden he isn't that smiling and kind guy anymore. He becomes all defensive and rude-

"You look like you could use some company," a voice says beside me; slowly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Eh," I sigh gently, not looking at him and continuing to let my eyes wander between the stars.

"Mind if I join?"

"Go for it," I shrug gently. I figured that I was looking at the Big Dipper constellation. If the Big Dipper is there... Then the little dipper should be near by...

I hear the stranger click his chair into place, like mine, and pull it closer to me. I presume that he has laid down now because the shuffling noises stop.

"It is crazy in there. I didn't know it would get that wild," He says gently.

I nod quietly; continuing my intense search for the Little Dipper.

"What's your name?" He questions.

"You talk quite a lot, don't you?" I chuckle faintly, tracing the Big Dipper again with my eyes.

"My bad," he chuckles, "I just want to get to know new people. Especially since you're in my yard."

I pause and think for a moment, "Wait, you're hosting the party?" I quirk an eyebrow, turning to look at this mystery guy.

He's pretty good looking. Brown hair that's swept up, emerald eyes with hints of blue and a style that's sorta edgy, but also sort of athletic. He sends me a charming smile, "What's your name?" He curves my question, but I don't mind.

"I'm Brielle, but feel free to call me Bree or B," I say gently.

He nods, "I'm Dylan, but you can call me Dill." He waits a moment as we both let our eyes go back to the stars, "Who'd you come with?"

I let out a faint sigh, "Carter Brandon."

"You came with Cart?" He asks; recognizing the name.

I nod, "He's my boyfriend. Although right now, I'm not very happy with him."

"Give him a little leeway, having his girlfriend around him and hanging out with his friends are two things that can be hard to manage. I bet he doesn't want to make you mad, it was an accident."

I think about what Dylan has said. "You're pretty good at giving insight," I smile gently.

I hear him chuckle, "Only because I've been there before."

I turn on my side and prop my head on my folded arm, so I could talk to him better, "What's her name?" I ask with a kind smile.

He turns on his side to face me as well, "Jessa. It's a little rocky right now, but we make each other happy," he shrugs.

I nod with a faint smile, "Same with Carter and I. We argue more than we laugh, but yeah... Even though we fight and get angry with each other, he makes me happy. Whenever I'm next to him, I feel secure and safe... Kinda at peace."

"So why don't you go back in there and fix your little argument?" He smirks gently at his statement that I can't argue with.

I sigh, "It's not something that I can simply fix. He's had more than four beers, and I'm nervous about getting home. He won't give me the keys and there is no way in hell that I'm getting in a car with him driving."

Dill nods in understanding, "Can I give you some advice?" He smiles gently.

"Go for it," I chuckle faintly.

"Okay-" he adjusts himself on the lawn chair, "You go in and just hug him. Just play it really sweet and act on his emotions. If you show that you're tired or upset, he will want to do everything to make you happy again; boyfriend instinct. You ask to leave, and 'boom', you get your wish. If, for some reason, it doesn't work; just come and find me. I'll drive you home, okay?"

"I owe you one if it works," I smile, pushing myself off of the chair, "Thanks, Dylan," I say gently.

He smiles at me before turning back to look at the sky, "It was nice meeting you, B."

"You too," I reply before walking back to the house.

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