Chapter 1

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The auditorium was hot and sticky as my friends and I watched our new principal give a speech on what he expected from us. I sat in front of my two best friends Andrea and Britney. I could hear Britney laughing as Andrea gave out a loud sigh of boredom. I turned around and looked at them laughing along even though I really thought it was annoying and rude. Andrea had her red curly hair down. Her make up was as perfect as it always was, and her shirt was giving off so much cleavage even the teachers couldn't help but look. Her bright green eyes were barely visible behind her bangs. I noticed she was looking to her left so I did too. There he was, in all his glory. Matt Chase. He was the senior “hottie”.

“Don't you just think that Matt's cutest guy you have ever seen?” She asked me and Britney. I actually thought of him as more a self-centered jerk but who was I to judge? Britney told me that she thought the same thing but, she was a people pleaser.

“Oh yeah! He's a real hottie!” She said back to her. I gave her a look and she just shrugged. “Though, I think Jack Bradford is more my type.” I smiled at her and was relieved that she said that. Andrea was the jealous type, and if you got in her way there was no telling what she would have done.

While Andrea and Britney talked about what they would do if Matt or Jack asked them out, I turned away and got lost in my thoughts. I had different things to think about rather than guys. I had a three page paper due next block and I had barely written a paragraph. But, my thoughts were interrupted when I saw him walking up the isle next to me. Mitchell Chase. He was Matt's younger brother. His black sweatshirt had our schools mascot on it and his jeans were just long enough for him to step on the bottoms. His white sneakers were covered in mud, probably from all the rain we had just gotten. I looked up at his face and his deep blue eyes were staring right at me. I felt my face start to turn red and I quickly looked away. I finally got the courage to look at him again and he was still looking at me. This time I couldn't look away. There was something in his eyes that told me it was ok to keep looking. He was right in front of me now and just as he passed by he gave me the sweetest looking half smile, not to mention sexy!

I started to turn red again. I looked around and it didn't look like anyone had seen. I was relieved about that until Britney's hushed, excited voice popped my thought bubble again.

“Rachel, did you just have eye sex with Mitchell Chase?” She asked me I turned to answer her no, but her eyes were so trusting that I couldn't lie to her.

“I guess so.” I replied nonchalantly even though inside my heart was beating at one hundred beats per minute.

“That is SO cute! What if he asked you out? Then you'd be going out with a baseball pla-” She was cut off by Andrea's jealous voice.

“Don't get your hopes up Rach.” She said as she texted. She looked pretty angry. “Guy's like that don't go for girls like you.”

“And what do you mean by 'girls like me'?” I asked with a pissed off voice. If she was gonna be a bitch to me I was gonna be one right back.

“I just mean-OH. MY. GOD!” I was caught off guard by her sudden change in tone. She was looking over at Matt again. I looked too, still not forgetting the conversation and was planning on bringing it up again on our walk home from school.

When I saw Matt he was looking our way and coming toward us. “He's coming over here!” She exclaimed with joy. I looked over at Britney and I rolled my eyes. She gave me a wry smile and shrugged again.

All I could think was, Oh great! Another guy Andrea can brag about to me. He finally reached the isle that Mitchell had walked down, and when Andrea wasn't paying attention I whispered to Britney, “I minute ago I would have kissed that floor but now I wouldn't even spit in its direction!” She laughed and said back, “Trust me, they won't last.” Apparently, my jealousy of Andrea was pretty obvious, but what she said did make me feel better.

As Matt walked across the isle Andrea began to straighten herself up and show as much cleavage as she possibly could without making her boobs pop out. I looked at her and rolled my eye's. If you have to do that for a guys attention he isn't worth it.

He finally made it to our row, and I couldn't believe it! He completely ignored Andrea and walked over to me. He made it very obvious that he was checking me out then sat down. I thought I was going to be sick. He put his arm around me and sighed. I looked at him, and believe me if looks could kill he'd be dead.

“You know Rachel, this is how it should be. You and me, together, holding hands, maybe by a warm fire, in nothing but our under-” Just then I stood up and gave him the most disgusted look I could.

“First of all NO! And second of all... EW!” He looked at me with a smirk.

“Come on babe! You know you want me. All the girls do.” He replied.

“All... But one!” I yelled back.

“Baby you're causing a scene. Why don't we go discuss this behind the school.” He stood up and started stroking my arm. I immediately pushed him away.

“Get away!” I started walking away, until he grabbed my arm. I started pulling away really hard. He leaned down and whispered to me.

“Look you're embarrassing me. Everyone is looking and no one says no to Matt Chase.” I looked around and it was true. Everyone was looking at us. I looked around and I found myself getting red again. All the eye's staring at me and Matt was making me really uncomfortable, until I settled on one pair of deep blue eye's. They were Mitchell's. He looked concerned and angry. He was slowly standing up and I felt my lips twitching into a smile. Was he going to come over and help me? My mind was going wild. However, my thoughts were once again interrupted by Matt whispering in my ear again. “Mitchel? Really? You like him?” While Matt was distracted I pulled away and power walked out the door.

When I got outside I began to cry. He completely humiliated me. He was being such a creep. What senior goes for a freshman? Suddenly, I heard a loud noise coming from the auditorium. I started walking towards the doors when they opened. It was Mitchell. He started running towards me. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me. “Lets go!!!” He yelled. I didn't know what else to do, so I ran.

We ran for about five minutes. I finally stopped making him turn around and give me a pleading look. “Rachel we have to go.” He said.

“Why? What are we running from?” I asked. He was about to answer when suddenly there was another loud noise just like the one from the auditorium. I turned around and I saw a huge mushroom cloud where our high school was supposed to be. I turned back to Mitchell. “OK. Time to go!” I said. We gave each other worried glances and we turned back around and started sprinting again.

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