Fruit loops and Ed Sheeran

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 I woke up to the most annoying alarm that's even possible in this hell hole we call earth. Slipping out of my oh-so-comfortable-bed I walked sluggishly towards my mahogany dresser. Grunting under my breath, I grabbed the left over MTN Dew can off the top of the dresser and threw it into the trash bin. Grabbing my essential items for my morning shower I laid them all out neatly on the bed. Plugging my I-Phone into the dock on my bedside table, I selected my Ed Sheeran play list and cut it all the way up. 

I sat in the bottom of the shower with the hot water running over my back. I pulled my knees to my chest and thought. "OH MY FRUIT LOOPS" I jumped out of the shower dashing across the tile floor, cutting a deep turn and busing my bum on the ground of my bedroom floor. Grabbing my phone to text my best friend Ashley telling her I was going to be late meeting her at the coffee shop down the road. Checking my clock to see it was 7:15 I did my best to get ready. I slipped on my white sleeveless dress that came a good bit above knee length, I grabbed my camera bag slinging it over my shoulder and pulling on my Vans. Throwing my back-pack over my shoulder I ran out the door. 

"LAINE ELISE COURTNEY YOU'RE LATE" Ashley yelled pouting. "I forgot we had school today. My bad" I shrugged pushing the button on the cross walk. "New cammi" Ashley asked poking my camera bag. "Kodak" I said shining a smile. "Fancy-shmancy" She said shrugging. "new shoes" I said pointing to the black studded stiletto heels that currently occupied my best friends feet. "You know it girl" She said in a posh accent. "Ladies" Scott said slinging his arms over our shoulders. "Weirdo" Ashley said kissing his cheek. "Remind me again, when my best friend dating my other best friend became legal" I said gagging. 

"Just remember, I know where you live" Scott said pointing as he walked backwards in the other direction, running into a tall blonde headed guy with a leather jacket and ripped up skinny jeans. "Who's that" I asked Ashley slightly turning my head to the corner so I could see. "You mean who are they" she said as about three other guys joining the mystery boy. "Those are the new kids, total bad ass', eventually going to rule this school. Totally sexy" She said staring. "QUICK ASHLEY YOU'RE DROOLING" I yelled making her yelp and whipe her face.

"liar" She said pouting. "Anyways, there's a party at Cloe Devandervinch's house tonight, we're going, I told her we would be there" She said straightening her skirt. "Seriously" I asked bouncing slightly. "Yeah" She said shrugging. I was super excited to go to the first party of the year. But I thought either Ashley or I would be hosting it. Since when does Cloe Devandervinch host parties. Since when does she even drink. "Well this is un expected running into both of you, at the same time" Somone said behind me. I whipped my head around to see Emily Sanders. Otherwise known as fake, cake face, that hated me with a passion. "Well we do after all go to the same school... and attend the same grade" I said shaking my head innocently. "Yeah, whatever. Where's Scott " she asked looking around me. "He went to class, and he left his girlfriend here in my care" I said putting a hand on a very angry Ashley's shoulder.  

"I don't see any girlfriend, just a ugly dog in my way. Move along little doggie, I'm searching for his girlfriend. SOME BODY FIND ME A MIRROR" She said shoving Ashley out of the way. "She's not worth it" Ashley said grabbing my shoulder. "Wanna bet" I said tapping Emily on the arm. "Guess what Emily" I said smiling. "Yes Lacey" now I know she did that on purpose. "She's more of a girl than you will ever be first of all, second of all you call me Lacey again, and I'll cut your head off, stick it on a skewer and feed it to your poodle. Speaking of poodles, might wanna get your dead ends trimmed, your starting to look like one. Then again, we cant always be sure it's just the hair. Might wanna get a new face. Toodles" I said smiling and returning to my friends side. 

"That was great" Trevor said walking up to us. "It was wasn't it" I said fixing my shorts. "She does kind of resemble a poodle now that I'm looking." He said turning his head side-ways. "Did she call you Lacey" Ashley said with a serious expression. "Yeah, but it's no big deal" I said walking up the stairs. "You know she did it on purpose, right" she saids stopping me in my tracks. "Yeah well, once a bitch, always a bitch" 

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