Ch. Three : Please, Continue

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   Goku stared after Vegeta for only a moment before turning around to the group again.

"Vegeta sure seems confident." He said, looking Trunks in the eye.

"Yeah, well let's just say he found some 'hidden power', and now he thinks he's going to kill all of them by himself." Replied the teenaged half breed, almost as if he were annoyed about the topic.

"You mean Vegeta found a level beyond an ascended Saiyan!?" Goku screamed. Not that he was surprised. It's Vegeta, for Kami's sake. The man never stops training.

"He made me swear I wouldn't inform anybody, or he said he'd kill me." Said Trunks.

"Oh, don't listen to him, that's just how Vegeta is." Said Goku reassuringly.

"Well, I'd better go after him. Nobody knows how dangerous these things really are in this timeline."

Goku nodded. "Right. good luck."

Trunks ran towards the edge of the lookout. Right before the edge, he turned and waved at the group, yelling in mid stride. "Thanks! We'll need it!" Then disappeared.

Goku then turned to Gohan. "We should get in there if we want to make it out in time to save Vegeta." The entire group broke out into hysterical laughter, although it was just as true as it was funny.

Gohan nodded. "Right." And they entered the chamber, saying farewell for a year as the door closed.

   After a brief second of silence, Tien, who was shivering with anticipation, spoke. "Piccolo?" Piccolo, as well as the rest of them, turned to look at the triclopse. "Please, continue."

"Right. Where was I?" Replied the Namek.

"Well, the last thing before being rudely interrupted was Goku telling you it's okay to enlighten us. So...?"

"Ah, yes. There are many types of magic in the universe, for various things. On Namek, there were those who practiced an ancient form of magic which is said to have the ability to awaken an individual's innermost potential." Said Piccolo in an almost ominous tone.

"That's exactly what the Grand Elder said before he boosted Gohan's and my strength!" Shouted Krillin.

"You mean you knew about this the whole time?!" Yelled Yamcha.

"How was I supposed to know that we could use it? Besides, it was so long ago I almost forgot about it." Responded the bald brawler.

"At any rate," said Yamcha, "there's a couple holes in your plan, Piccolo. First, how are we supposed to gain knowledge of this magic, let alone practice it? And, more importantly, if those two have already received it," Yamcha continued, "then why didn't Krillin get any stronger? No offense, Krillin."

"You assume that I know these things? I simply said there may be a way, and I have told it to you. A little thank you might be in place, instead of criticism." Piccolo said, slightly irritated at Yamcha's disrespect.

"Hey, Piccolo, I'm sorry man. I didn't mean to offend you or anything. I'm just curious is all..."

   Piccolo walked away and replied, "No harm, no fowl."

"So, does anybody else have any ideas as to how we get stronger?" Asked Krillin.

"Well, I think I have an idea." Said Tien sheepishly, rejoining the conversation. "All we can really do is try it though..."

"Well.. what is it?" Asked Yamcha curiously.

"I was thinking maybe we could ask ShenLong to give us a book with all the different ways in the known  universe that could make us stronger as individuals. Then, we could go to new Namek and ask Parunga to lengthen our life spans to that of a Saiyan's. That way we could use the hyperbolic time chamber and barely feel the consequences."

   ... The group was genuinely stunned by the simplicity of the idea, which seemed like the most obvious answer in the world once they'd heard it.

"I honestly don't know what to say, Tien." Said Krillin.

"Yeah, when did you come up with that?" Chimed Yamcha.

"I don't know, I guess I've just been thinking about it a lot." Said the triclopse, slightly embarrassed.

"Well what are we waiting for? We should get started on this immediately!" Said Krillin as he stood from where he sat cross legged. "Maybe we could actually be some help in this fight after all!"

Before they launched off, Piccolo stopped them. "Well if that's the case, why not just ask ShenLong to teleport you to New Namek instead of taking the time to travel there. Then you can use two of Parunga's wishes for yourselves and the last one to teleport back here." He finished, slightly grinning because he knew it was a damn good plan.

"Wow, that's a pretty good idea, Piccolo. One thing though... why aren't you coming along?"

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