Chapter 7

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Kevin: Welcome back everyone and before I begin I would like to say that, THE CHICAGO CUBS ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!!

Everyone but Paul and Gary: *smiles* That's great for them.

Kevin: *smiles* I know right, it's going to be my first time seeing the Cubs play in the World Series.

Paul: Yeah that's great and all can you fix hair after what Oak Tree did to me.

Kevin: Sure Paul *snaps his fingers* ok Paul your hair is back to normal.

Paul: Thank you

Gary: What about me I'm still in this stupid dress.

Kevin: Alright Gary you can take off the dress.

Gary: Thank you

Kevin: But come back when you're done taking off the dress because you've been dared.

Gary: *fake cries* Why is it always me.

Time Skip

Gary: Ok I'm back so what's my dare.

Kevin: Ok this dare is from @cutiebolt and it says that you've been dared to try and make Ash cry.

Gary: How the hell am I suppose to make Ashy Boy cry it's not easy.

Kevin: That's your problem not my so you come up with a plan.

Gary: That's just great how am I suppose to make Ashy Boy cry if I don't even know how to, ahhhhh......

Misty pushes Gary down some stairs

Gary: Owwwww

Ash: *laughing while tears coming out*

Kevin: Well you got Ash to cry, but in a way that you didn't expect heheh.

Misty: Don't say I didn't help you get out of this Gary.

Gary: *moans from the pain* Thanks Misty

Misty: *smiles* You're welcome Oak tree.

Kevin: Well that's all the dares I have so, everyone can have a break.

Everyone but Paul: *sighs*

Gary: Hey guys can someone help me, I'm really hurt right now.

Kevin: Misty since you were the one that pushed Gary down a set of stairs, you'll be the one to nurse him.

Misty: *sighs* Fine lets just get this over with.

So that's it for the seventh chapter so comment a truth or a dare to the cast and they'll do it😉 see you guys next time.

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