Blue Eyes White Dragon

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    Your hand shook as it crept closer to the black abyss known as a top hat.  What was so frightening about a top hat?  Maybe the fact that it was packed with duel monsters cards that belong to a room full of rowdy teenage boys.  There were at least five guys in here you do not want to get paired with, for example the crazy Egyptian guy in the corner, he was smiling menacingly even though it looked like he had been attacked by lightning.  You took a big breath and plunged your hand into the hat and gently pulled out a card, it was the Blue Eyes White Dragon.  There was only one person that could belong to and that was Seto Kaiba. 
    "I uh got Kaiba..."  You told Teá.  She gave you a reassuring smile before she brought you to the closet, after you had been shoved into the cramped darkness the door closed for a few seconds before it was opened again and Seto was shoved in. 
    "Hi."  You said boldly, you were not going to hide in the corner and wait for the seven minutes to be up, it wasn't everyday you got to spend seven minutes in a closet with your crush. 
    "I see you drew my card, give it back."  He replied coldly.  You have known Seto for awhile now and his coldness didn't faze you in the least.  You handed him his card and he returned it to his deck.
    "So I guess we're in here for awhile."  You said awkwardly hoping to start a conversation.
     "Tell me something I don't know."
      "Alright how about the fact that I like you and I'm pretty sure you feel the same way."  You wish you could see his face clearly because it must have been priceless. 
    "I uh well." He cleared his throat.
    "Is it just me or is the one and only Seto Kaiba stuttering, what can't handle being so close to a girl?"  You smirked and stepped closer to him, you heard him growl lightly.
    "I can handle it."  He replied confidently.  You put both hands on his chest and smiled when you heard his breath hitch.
    "Really?"  Un-expectantly his large hands were on your waist and he leaned down and entangled his lips with yours.  For a moment you were to shocked to comprehend what was happening but you soon enough recovered and kissed him back, he sadly pulled away after a moment.
    "Um uh well that was uh nice."  You stuttered.
     "Who's stuttering now?"  You could practically hear his smirk in his voice.  The door suddenly shot open to reveal a very red and flustered girl and an overconfident man coolly smirking.

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