#1 How It All Started (Part 1)

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(General POV)

Naoki and Kotoko were happy in their life. Although both of them were living apart for the time being as both of them were focusing on their career right now. It's been four months since Naoki went to Kobe for further experience. He wanted to become a paediatrician. Well he became a doctor in the first place after Kotoko told him he would be a good one after seeing Non-chan in so much pain. Although she doesn't seem to be remember it.

At first it was very hard for Kotoko to live without seeing his face. She even went to see him after enduring 2 months alone without him. She originally planned that she will leave right away after seeing him once but that's Kotoko we are talking about. Nothing seems to go in the way she wants. But finally her tour ended well and before departing Naoki told her to study hard and pass her national exam at one go so that she can move to Kobe and they could work together.

His simple statement made her determined. She decided she will study hard and make it possible. After returning to Tokyo, she made study plans and genuinely started to work hard to reach her goal. She attended all her classes very attentively. Well the best attentive she can be. Being Kotoko, she cannot stop having her daydreams, can she! She also gave time to her family and tried to get better at cooking. If she moves to Kobe to be with Naoki then she will have to cook for him every day. So she wanted to cook better. She was determined and Naoki being her only inspiration to who she was trying to reach, she believed she will definitely make it.

It happened suddenly one night while she was preparing for an upcoming test. She was thirsty and started to feel dizzy. She took the water bottle that was kept on her table and found it empty. She got up from her desk chair to get downstairs into the kitchen. Slowly she went out of her bedroom into the hallway but before she could reach the stairs, she fell down on the floor. She felt like drowning and drifted into the world of darkness.

(Kotoko POV):

I was slowly gaining consciousness. Darn it! When did I sleep? I tried to move but it seemed like every single joints of my body was stiff and I couldn't move a muscle. "It's so cold". I mumbled and that's when I realised I was on the floor near the stairs. What happened? I tried to clear my head and remembered. I must have fainted on the way to go to the kitchen. I had no idea for how long I was unconscious. Finally, with all the strength I could conjure up, I got up onto my feet and dragged myself inside my room. I went straight for my bed, after switching off the lights. Forget the water. I didn't even have the strength to tide up my books. Well that could be done tomorrow and with that thought, I slowly drifted into sleep.

The pain was gone in the next morning. I must have over worked myself. The day passed without any hindrance. I decided to keep this to myself so that no one would worry. Especially Irie-kun must not know about it. He is enough busy with his work already. That night, I decided to rest. I did some light reading and went to bed early. The next few days were fine. That damned headache and dizziness were back in the night before the exam. I drank several cups of coffee hoping it would help but that wasn't the case. I studied as long as I could then gave up and went to bed. The following test was the worst I had in the last 2 months. Well I didn't care much since I passed.

But, to my dismay, the headache, dizziness, muscle stiffness, joint pains and even the fainting- although it was rear, they started to visit me from time to time. It reached to the point where oka-san and even Yuki-kun noticed it.

One morning while we were having breakfast and I had a severe headache, oka-san told me, "Kotoko-chan, are you all right? You don't look well from the last few days. Stop working so hard and take some rest. Why don't you go and visit Naoki?" She smiled.

I brightened up immediately and jumped on my seat. She just said out loud what was on my mind. "Oka-san, you just read my mind!" I exclaimed happily.

"Baka!" Yuki-kun said without looking at me, "You should go and visit a doctor for check up if you are not feeling well."

"Yes." I smiled at him. Yuki-kun can be really nice sometimes. Both otou-sans were at work. So fortunately they didn't have to worry about me. I decided to follow Yuki-kun's advice. It has been nearly a month since these things are happening to me and my nurse instinct warned me, I shouldn't underestimate it!

I went to Tonan Hospital after class. Nurse Hanoi greeted me. I went to the internal medicine department after chatting to her for a while. That department did some tests and after talking to the doctor about the symptoms for a while, I returned home.

Who knew that this was only the start? After seeing the test results, medicine dept. referred me to the neurology dept. which after doing another few tests referred me to the gynaecology dept. And that procedure continued for a while. I went through several kinds of tests in those departments and finally after a while Dr. Miki Furukawa of Neurology called me in for a discussion.

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