Chapter 1 - Rebel Since Birth

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Abigail watched her father as he stood in front of the fireplace in his study. His face was expressionless but it didn’t take a genius to know how cross he was with her. Abigail sat quietly in the chair in front of her father’s desk. She knew it would be wise to keep quiet and let her father speak first but she needed to understand that she was not at fault for today’s…incident.


“Abigail,” her father said cutting her off. “I don’t care who started it. What you did was unacceptable! Elizabeth’s mother will demand I do something about this.”


“No, no excuses this time!”

“You didn’t hear what she said about Mother!” Abigail screamed. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes but refused to let them out. She forced out all thoughts of her mother and the cruel way she left the world. This was not the place to think about it and it only angered Abigail further. Her father didn’t say anything, didn’t turn to face her. “No one ever seems to hear what Elizabeth says.”

“They are just words, Abby,” her father said, finally turning to look at her. He sat down behind his desk and stared her straight in the eyes. “She would not be able to bother you if you could just remember that. I know Elizabeth is not the nicest woman in the city, but breaking the girl’s nose was not an acceptable response.” He paused to sigh and pinched the bride of his nose in frustration. “I’m sorry, Abigail, but I have no choice. You are going to the finishing school in Italy for the summer.”

“What?” Abigail exclaimed. Her father had always threatened to send her away if she didn’t behave herself but she never thought he ever would. It seemed she was very wrong in assuming so.

“It has already been decided. You will sail tomorrow to Italy where you will remain until you learn to be a proper lady, or until the end of the summer, whichever comes last.” Abigail felt her hands clench at that last word. Evidently she was being sent away until she could be forced into behaving ‘properly’.

“But Father I’m almost twenty and one years,” Abigail told him. “I’m too old for such a place.” She knew it was a weak excuse but she was willing to play any card at the moment.

“Trust me, Abigail,” her Father replied, seeing right through her plan. “There are more girls your age that are sent to these schools then you would think. You are not getting out of this Abigail, I’m sorry. Now, please, go to your chamber and pack. Tomorrow morning will be here before you know it.”

“Yes, Father,” Abigail said and tried to sound as polite as possible even though she still burned with anger. None of this had been her fault! She knew breaking Elizabeth’s nose had been a bit extreme but someone needed to teach her a lesson in being proper. Abigail made her way to her room and shut the door behind her before falling back onto her bed. She lay there with her eyes closed until she felt someone else fall onto the bed on the other side so their heads met in the middle. A small smile curved Abigail’s lips. Anna.

Anna had been working at the estate for as long as she could remember. She was only a few years older than Abigail and had the energy of a little girl. She, Abigail realized, was the person she would miss most of all while she was away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2012 ⏰

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