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The Doctor sat in the Pandorica.

Well, Doctor. You've certainly gotten yourself into this one.

He pulled at the restraints keeping his hands locked to the chair. No good. It wasn't the last 500 or so times either.

What to do, what to do?

What is there to do?

You're in the Pandorica. The perfect prison. And they put you there. They tricked you there! Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarons, Judoon; all of your old friends, Doctor.

There is no way out. Not even for you.

He tugged at the restraints again in frustration. Even his own thoughts weren't being helpful.

The universe was out there. It was burning because of his TARDIS. The TARDIS River was on.

She must be trapped in a time loop. Doomed to forever repeat the same few seconds until the explosion finally envelops everything and even she'll cease to exist. Shortly after you go. Earth is in the eye of this. You've got 2000 years before it will reach you. Give or take a few decades. 2000 years to stew in this box.

He gave another yank at his restraints.

Damn thing. Won't let me live, won't let me die. Just lets me think. Alone. Until it too gets swallowed by the TARDIS' explosion. The only time I would ever have the chance to escape would be seconds before the box gets absorbed into nothing. Shame, really. The universe deserves a second chance.

Even after all it's done for you? To you? A second voice echoed through his mind. Gave you a spirit too strong for your own kind. Made it easy to steal that old Type-40. Gave you a knackered navigational system that sent you everywhere you didn't want to go. Introduced you to some of the greatest people. Took them all away. Forced you to choose between it and your own kind. Then, when you chose it, it cruelly let you survive. Introduced you to even more wonderful people. Took them away too. Killed the woman who might be your wife before you even met her. Gave you the worst enemies it has to offer. Made every day a battle. The universe has not been kind to you, Doctor. You shouldn't want to save it.

He hung his head as far as the restraints would let him. He was right. What's really worth saving in all of this? He sat there angry at the universe. It put him in this box and yet he was the only one who could save it. The universe wouldn't save itself. Again. This time he wouldn't be there to give it another chance.

Isn't even worth saving.

A bright spark lit somewhere deep in his mind though. He thought back to the good times. The smiles, the victories, the hugs, the laughter. To Susan's adoration, Ian and Barbra's wonder, Vicki's spunk, Polly and Ben's amazement, Jamie's spirit, Victoria's caring, Zoe's logic, Liz's intelligence, Jo's vivaciousness, Sara Jane's brilliance, Leela's strength, Romana's perfection, Adric's curiosity, Nyssa's helpfulness, Tegan's sureness, Peri's beauty, Turlough's cunning, Mel's energy, Ace's attitude, Grace's sweetness, Rose's love, Martha's genius, Donna's sass, Amy and Rory's support, River's omnipotence.

The Doctor sighed.

He really was dangerous when left alone to his own thoughts. Of course he was going to save the universe. Hasn't he always?

Really though, how do you plan on doing it? You've only got 2000 years to think of a plan. Get to it.

And so he thought. It didn't take him that long to create a plan. Certainly not all 2000 years. Instead he left himself notes on his alternate time lines. No spoilers, just things to help himself out. Things like, "Big Bang two", "Fez, mop, top pocket", "Leave the girl a note", "The light gives life", "Pandorica heals", or "Amy remembers". He thought through what would happen once that young him was out of the box. How he could stop the explosion once he was out. He came to the realization that he probably wouldn't exist afterward. Still he planned to save the universe.

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