Snippet of Information

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Hello, dear reader. Just wanted to say a few things before you read. It is very important that you read this message before continuing.

All characters in this story are original characters. All relations to real people are completely coincidental and should not be taken literally or seriously. If any of the characters pose resemblance to a real person or persons, do not take any of the character's actions seriously. This story is fictional, and should not be interpreted any other way than how it is written.

Hope you keep that in mind while reading. Again, just fiction.

Oh! I almost forgot!

All events in this story are fictional as well. Any resemblance to actual events should not be taken literally. Any/all resemblance is entirely coincidental.

Thank you for reading this little snippet of information before starting to read the story. I hope you enjoy it since I'm already really excited to write this. Enjoy, dear reader. Please keep your arms, legs, and other appendages inside the roller coaster at all times. The feels will be strong, and it is suggested that you carry a box of tissues around with you, as well as a tub of ice cream to eat as you cry. Wait. No. Don't leave. Please. I am very alone here.

Sorry about that. Please enjoy, dear reader, and journey with Cole and Alexander.

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