Bittersweet Memories

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I watched him from afar with a smile, his eyes creasing from the gigantic grin plastered upon his face. He looked out upon the crowd, listening as they chanted his name over and over again.

"박지민! 박지민! 박지민!"

He swept a hand through his orange hair, fluffing it up before wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He made it. 

Jin put a hand onto his shoulder, whispering something into his ear with a smile almost as big as Jimins. The members bowed over and over; Yoongi was on his knees, bowing to his parents in the crowd, tears spilling over himself. 

 "고맙습니다." Jimin spoke into the microphone. He could give a million 'thank you's but words would never suffice his appreciation and love for all the individuals staring back at him. I watched as his eyes lingered before landing on me, and that's when I formed tears myself. He mouthed 'I love you' to me, before bowing once more to the crowd, walking off the stage. 

I made my way out of the barricaded crowd, moving towards the backstage area. As soon as I stepped into the little hallway, Jimin ran over, embracing me in a large hug whilst spinning me around. 

"How does it feel?" I whispered into his ear as he put my down.

"I'm on top of the world." He mumbled, kissing my own lips gently, his smile forming once again.

"Let's celebrate."


Jimin knocked back drinks in the little karaoke bar, the rest of the boys sprawled across the room in different areas. Taehyung and Jungkook were singing to VIXX - Error on the small stage, making everyone giggle with their obnoxious tones. 

I wasn't much of a drinker, so I only had a few sips of Jimins drink, which he used as a lame excuse to drink more himself.

They had done it; topping the charts internationally with their new album. They'd broken countless records and held onto new shiny awards. They finally made it, and all of us couldn't be more proud, especially myself.

I had grown up with Jimin in Busan. Despite being born in the same hospital, we didn't meet until we were 10, but upon our first introduction of him spilling banana milk all over my uniform, we were inseparable. We shared our first kiss at age 14, and declared our love at 17, now 21. 

"Drink anymore and you won't be making it home." I challenged with a giggle, watching Jimins face scrunch up as he leaned his back against the counter, hand on my lower back. 

"We've got a busy schedule. . . starting. Starting um, n-next week." He stumbled drunkenly over his words, "Tonight's the only night I can drink." He said, swigging down the last of his bottle; I'd lost count on which this was. 

"Come on ChimChim, we should cut you off for the night." I said with a playful eye roll, plucking the bottle from his hand and placing it on the counter. I grabbed his waist, throwing his arm over my shoulder as I led him to the entrance.

"Heading home?" Suga spoke, sitting on a leather couch by the door.

", he's had enough." I chuckled, Jimin planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Drive safe." He smiled, bringing his bottle into the air for a 'cheers' motion. I waved goodbye to all the boys, dragging Jimin out of the bar. I led him to our car, opening the passenger side.

"But I wanna drive." He whined, making me widen my eyes. I smacked his chest lightly.

"너 미쳤어? No way am I letting you drive!" I exclaimed.

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