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  • Dedicated to max for being there

pep·per·mint /ˈpepərˌmint/ noun

1. the aromatic leaves of a plant of the mint family, or an essential oil obtained from them, used as a flavoring in food

      · a candy flavored with peppermint oil

Elle would’ve loved to get her hands on some peppermint if she didn’t have to steal some from one of the biggest coffee shops ever. Luke specifically told her to get some (in syrup form, particularly) from Starbucks. It seems like he enjoys Elle getting humiliated in front of a crowd, a very sadist move by someone who’s very Luke-like.

The school library is a very depressing place to be. Normally, Elle would wonder around in the local library for hours and not feel anything but bliss. But in where she was now, happiness is just short-lived (that is if you find something actually nice).

“Ariana,” Elle whispered as they tried to find an essay on Feminism for their English class. “I need help,”

Ariana was reading her book that was inserted in a larger, non-fiction book about society. “Other than the usual I need help s-word?” she asked monotonously, suppressing herself to cuss. She’s been going on this for a year and a half now and Elle must admit, she’s doing great censoring those words.

“That category is very vague,” she replied. “I need help on getting some peppermint syrup from Starbucks.”

Ariana stared at her skeptically. “What? Why?”

Elle raised a brow at her. “Oh,” she realized slowly. “Luke Time. I knew that.” Ariana closed got her book and slipped it in her jacket quickly as she caught a glance of Mrs. McAllister, their English teacher, walking to their direction. “How can I help?” she continued after their teacher turned her back momentarily.

“Your brother works there, right? Maybe you could ask him to sneak some for me?”

Ariana bobbed her head overenthusiastically. “Yeah, he does. Oh wait. He got fired over a month ago.” she took back in error. She made a note to remember that her brother gets fired from his job every time.

 Elle’s plan fell on a downfall. She collapsed in defeat on the table, whining something about the matter. It was time for the ever-so-traumatizing Plan 2. “Will you come with me, then?” she pleaded. “For moral support?”

Ariana snorted. “Moral support,” she echoed mockingly. Elle glared at her, turning her head towards her but not bothering to leave her position. Ariana returned the look but in peer-frustration. “Fine,” she said in an exhale.

“Ms. Brooks.” Mrs. McAllister exclaimed from the end of the row of tables. Half of the students turned to her direction. “No dozing off in my class, especially in a topic like this. As a female yourself, you should be interested in this.” she clicked her tongue in disapproval.

“I wasn’t sleeping, I was examining the, uh, bug on Marie’s hair,” explained Elle as she ripped a piece of paper from her notebook and crumpled it to a ball. She threw it at the back of the head of the girl sitting in front of her, Marie. Marie spun on her seat, her mouth hanging from surprise and disbelief.

Elle bit her lip. “Don’t worry, it’s dead now,” she added. Mrs. McAllister shook her head in disdain and continued trudging along the library. Elle faced Marie and mouthed sorry. She brushed her off, rolling her eyes in annoyance and went back to her work. Elle never liked her anyways.

“You’re so lame,” Ariana chuckled. “That’s like the oldest trick in the book. You can do a better excuse than that.”

“Like what? ‘I’m so sorry my limbs just shut down because I have this disease called—oops, there goes my legs. And my entire body,’ then I slither across the floor as I make my way to the Nurse’s Office dramatically?”

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