Light My Way

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The flashing lights blind my eyes as my hand searches for my husband’s. I hear voices all around us, but they’re drowned out by the sirens and the heavy rain.

I feel weaker with each passing moment and my hands grow numb before I can find my guy. My breath now irregular, uneven, and short. My heart slows and my vision blurs and soon all I see are the red, blue, and white blobs of siren lights that surround me.

I’m worried what will happen to myself and my husband, as he’s all I have left. My body slowly grows more numb, I still feel a slight chill from the frigid rain. However, at this point I’m unable tune into any of the voices that echo around me. I feel my hope and my love slipping away from me.

I decided to close my eyes wanting everything to disappear like a bad dream. I attempt to breath and open my eyes again.

From behind me I hear my name called, and turning to see who spoke it I catch sight of my husband, Rey. 

I have zero clue where we are, but it’s reunited me with my love. The sirens’ wails have been silenced, the rain cleared, the air warmed, and the sky revitalized in shades of the brightest blue. The sun shrines its brilliant yellow with the grass’s deep green surrounding my feet, but a slight mist floats around me.

Moments ago rain poured down and everything was slipping away, however this world claims me for its own.

Though everything around me calms my thoughts, Things just don’t add up. How can I have gone from hell to this quiet, ideal place that most people can only dream of. Everything was slipping away before and now I’m in this limbo-like place. I want to escape from here, but seeing Rey draws me back in. 

Pushing my way through the mist, I rush over to Rey and hug him tightly with no intent of ever letting go of him. I thought I’d never seen him again, hug him again, kiss him again, or anything. He wraps his arms around me just as tightly as I’ve done to him and the warmth of his embrace heats up my chilled heart and the numbness of my body subsides.

Looking up at his face, I see a huge smirk, one that he’s constantly making. He’s a smug guy, but my soul has become intertwined with his and I wouldn’t trade that for any of the wonders of the world. Breaking our embrace, I grab one of his hands and lace my fingers with his and start leading him to wherever this mysterious place will take us.

The more we travel the more I realize that nothing is changing, but yet it’s still so undisturbed, so, so, so tranquil.

My sense of time is lost, the sun doesn’t move or fade in its glow, but all the walking has leads to a pure white house within this dreamland. It’s a single-story house, black window shutters, precious flower boxes, and a bright red door. It’s a cape-style house as well, a house I’ve been dreaming about owning for years. I look back at Rey’s face; with a bright smile, he nods towards the house.

I walk through the gate and the mist that’s floating around us fills in the yard, blocking out the deep green grass that was once visible. The flower boxes are filled with shades of deep purple, bright pink, and a sunny yellow. I feel tears welling in my eyes, but I try to hold them back, it’s just not worth crying over. I don’t know if this is reality or a cruel nightmare disguised as a dream.

Opening the door the inside is abundant in brightness, just like everything else in this world. The windows are crystal clear, the paint is smooth and vibrant, the wooden floors are light and glossy. Light floods the entire house.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” Rey says from behind me. 

“Yea, it really is. A world of tranquility and brightness. It’s everything,” I reply as I realize this is all too impossible to be happening. I turn to face him and notice that the paint has begun to fade and darken, but how I wonder silently. I feel a faint jolt surge through my body and Rey stares at me with a blank expression. I try to move, but my legs won’t budge as the numbness begins to return.

“NO!” I cry out as the light that floods the house fades away and the glass cracks in every window. Everything I wanted is falling to pieces around me and I can’t stop it. I can’t save it. I can’t save him. I grip a leg and force it forward, trying to make my way to Rey before I lose him like before. I’m not letting his hand leave my reach. Not again.

Each forceful step I take forward, Rey is sucked backwards and I continuously feel jolts surge through me, each stronger than the last. Finding this house got me feeling like we could have everything. I guess everything I wanted, it’s always been that way for us. He always put me first, made sure I got everything my heart desired. Any time I tried to give him something he refused it, said he never needed it. I was all that he required to live his life to the fullest.

Another jolt surges through me and I fall to my knees, now completely numb of sensations. I scream Rey’s name, but he doesn’t respond. He doesn’t move or express any emotion, he just stares at me. I scream his name again so loud that the cracked glass shatters all around us. The white mist flows in through the door, now turning black and engulfing him. I lose sight of my love.

I catch a faint voice, “Come back to us, come back!” I don’t know who is speaking, but the world around me is being devoured by the mist and all I can see is black. Another jolt surges through me and I close my eyes. The voice gets stronger, closer, and louder each time it speaks. One final jolt is sent through my body before I’m back in the rain. The cold, heavy rain with sirens blaring and pounding my ear drums.

My vision now somewhat clear allows me to make out a paramedic, she looks down at me and speaks, “I’m glad you made it back. I thought I would lose you.” A saddened smile forms on her face and I think I know what it means. I look straight into her eyes and she knows what I want, but I’m too weak to ask. “I’m sorry, but he didn’t make it, the crash caused too much damage,” she says as she covers me with a blanket.

This is it, this is the end of the line. I know why I was in that world of calmness and brightness, it was my last dance with my love. He gave me my greatest desire, perhaps he knew only one of us would make it back. Until the very end he thought only of me and never of himself. He was everything to me and he gave it all up, he gave everything. Maybe had I been driving this never would have happened, maybe had I been more watchful as this could have been avoided. 

My eyes search for him, but he’s no where to be found or perhaps my mind doesn’t want him to be found. Looking up at the paramedic, I force my words, “Why did you bring me back? Why didn’t you save him? Why was I brought from Heaven to Hell?”

“Your husband was dead upon my arrival, but we tried everything just in case there was a chance. His body didn’t respond, but yours did,” she says breaking eye contact with me. “Your pulse was almost gone as well, but we had to do our best. Pervious accident victims have told me that they felt like they were in some ‘limbo’ world. It was peaceful, almost Heaven like, but they got ripped away when I revived them.” She lets out a heavy sigh helping me sit up.

I guess she ripped me away like everyone else, she may have saved my life, but she took me away from what I wanted. The only thought that lingers in my mind is, why?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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