Las Vegas

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Chapter 1

Today was Bethany’s twenty-first birthday, but that was not what they were celebrating. This day was when they are going to share with Regan about their idea to go to Las Vegas, Nevada for her twenty-first birthday and everyone can go get drunk, except Bethany, and just to have fun. So far, Regan and Bailey have been dating since freshman year and have never been able to get out and go crazy for at least one night. Everyone going on the Las Vegas trip was Bethany, Regan, Nicole, Abby, Bailey, Bobby, and Aaron.                                                            

Bethany was the one in the group known for being the brunette that was always funny, crazy, overly sarcastic, and just a great friend. She never swore or has had a single drop of liquor and nothing will change that. Not even Las Vegas. Regan was the normal ginger that everybody thought was innocent, until they saw her personality then everything they thought about her was wrong. Nicole was the really weird one who has an adorable obsession with pandas. There was absolutely no way to hate that girl. Abby was a girl who could be funny and crazy, yet still be loved dearly. She might end up in the popular group and also have friends who are not so popular.                                         

Aaron was an African American who liked to act more like a white girl then a black boy, but is completely straight. He runs track, which gave him the muscle he has now, and can never make up his mind. Bobby was a guy who is able to play every single instrument and can sing. He acts like a girl as well, but is also straight as pencil, unless it is a bendy pencil. Bobby was also a womanizer who likes to play with a girl’s feelings and yet girls still fall at his feet. Bailey is Regan’s boyfriend and is madly in love with her just as she is in love with him. He likes to dress like a pimp with his leather jacket and shades, but is a total sweetheart.            

This group of friends has been together since freshman year, but Bethany has never taken a liking towards Bobby, but will be friends with him and not be like the other girls who fall at his feet. Right now Bethany, Nicole, Abby, Bailey, Aaron, and Bobby are heading over to Regan’s house to go tell her the fantastic news about Las Vegas. Once they finally arrive at Regan’s house, the whole group waits outside while Bethany jiggled the lock on her front door, but it would not turn and open. She gave up on the doorknob, but just went over to the wall on the side of the house before it led onto the slanted roof that is just outside Regan’s window.

Bethany grabs on to the first brick and skillful made it on the roof after merely ten seconds, this is also why Bethany has mini callouses on her hands. As she does what she needs to with the window panel, the group is on the ground impatient and eager to spread the news to Regan. Bethany opened the window and climbed through, being able to see Regan’s outline on her bed from her sleeping position. She sneakily moved over to Regan’s door and opened it quietly, though Regan is a deep sleeper, and walked downstairs to open the front door for the others. Each group member entered and Bethany led them upstairs and into Regan’s room. “Oh, yeah, I’ve been here before.” Bailey said when he entered the bedroom.                                       

They all turned around and stared at Bailey in horror. “What?” Everyone said in unison.   

“Not in that way!” He quickly replied. “I mean, we’ve made out, but never did the deed.” He concluded. Everyone sighed in relief and surrounded Regan’s bed the best they could. Bethany held up five fingers and counted down and once she put all the fingers down, they all jumped on to Regan’s bed in effort to wake her up.                                                                                  

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