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Snow's POV

"You shouldn't go." Thalia was walking back and forth in front of my bed. It was already past midnight and my mum had dozed off in the living room after she took her pills; as in medication pills. "And let our mother's life in danger?" She huffed in defeat. "Why would you care? She didn't even bother to take care of her own life!" She whisper shouted stopping her walking pattern in front of me. "That's why we're here Thalia. It's our job to ensure she lives." I explained to her. She always tried to blame mum in every single imperfections that happen to the family. "Doesn't mean you have to put yourself in danger to save her from one!" I gave her a small smile scoffing to her statement. "Why do you want to go?" She asked the obvious. "Because they're looking for me." I simply said. Thalia looked at me, disbelief of my words. She was still walking back and forth in front of me but in a more frustrating way. "Snow are you insane? Did you see what they did to mum!" She panicked, "What makes you think they'll invite you for coffee!" Her worries, worried me. At the age of 13, she's taking too much in her life. Though I hated to see her this way and accept the fact that she knew everything that's going on scared me, it scared me to think that with everything that's going on with mum and constant unknown men walking in and out of the house could eventually endangered her. But at the same time I was also proud of her because even though things went very dull after dad and with the condition we're facing, she still managed to strike A+ in her results. "Well its better me than mum right..." I sighed.

Curiosity does kill the cat. I'm very curious of what they want from me. I don't recall borrowing money from them, I've never seen them in my life before. I'm sure they won't kill me, or at least I knew that I wouldn't die. I'm sure the worse thing that could happen to me was to lose my virginity, as stereotypical as it sounds that was the only thing that I could think of. Besides, I was a nineteen year old virgin; at some point I need to take my sex life to the next level, even when it's by my unwillingness. In the end, living in this society does meant losing every thing that's treasured. "Sis, please stop your insane thoughts. Don't risk yourself for that woman. You think I'm too blind to see how she's been treating you, that bitch never-" I slapped her across the face to shut her up, "Don't you ever address our mother like that ever again." I breathed out, frustrated. "She's not in the right state of mind Thalia. She's upset." I told her as calm as possible. Thalia was standing still, quietly tearing up while covering her face. "I'm upset too, but I don't go around the house drunk and treat you like a piece of shit." She walked out of my room and slammed the door. 

I sighed, sitting down on the floor as I covered my face while hugging my knees in complete distress. How bad she was treating me, she was still my mother. She was the one who battled her life giving birth to me. She was the one who took care of me and give me love with dad. I knew she didn't mean it. Just because lately she's been treating me... differently, doesn't mean she will for the rest of my future. "Dad, why did you leave me like this." I whimpered in my knees, the denim I wore absorbed my tears that was flowing inconsistently. Tomorrow would be a big day, having a job and all. I was so grateful to have a piece of luck by this job offer. This opportunity had proven to me that life won't be all bad, I just had to try letting myself explore other categories in life and everyone around me needs to accept my father's death. 

For now I would let myself drift to slumber land and enjoy the gift of sleeping. I had to let myself sleep in a calm state. I had to assured myself that I too had the ability to feel safe and secured even after finding out that there's people looking for me. Who knows what could happen next, but tonight I wanted to forget and enjoy sleep. Let tomorrow burden me, for now I would let myself oblige with my dim surroundings to rest and dream. 

I was stacking the washed plates up on the rack beside the kitchen sink. The glass were already hung up above the sink. By the time I had every bacon and eggs cooked on the table, mum groaned signalling that she was waking up. Thalia walked out of her room with loose hair, wearing the burgundy mid thigh dress that dad loved to see on her. As if she knew, I was thinking about dad she said, "Dad's favorite remember." She smiled then twirled around to give the dress a flowy effect. "This bracelet too." I held her hand and showed her the chain she was wearing, there was a lot of charms attached to it. Most of them represented the places he wanted to go but didn't get the chance to. So, instead he charmed it on a bracelet and gave it to his precious ones. I had one too, but it's a necklace. After my father died, I took it off and kept it elsewhere. I wasn't ready to wear it, I wasn't ready to waste my tears when every time I look in the mirror only to remind me a part of him on me and still can't accept the fact that he is gone forever and will never come back to let me, mum, and Thalia live again.  

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