Jeremy T.V.D

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"Honey's I'm home!!!!!" I scream walking into the Salvatore house. "Ari!!!" Steph yells super speeding down to hug me. "Ari, I thought you would never return!" Day says with clear excitement in his voice even though he was trying to hide it, he's always had a soft spot for me. "Yap I'm back Honey's, and I'm only 982 years old. Almost as old as the Originals." I say giggling slightly. "It's good to see you Ari, it's been what? 40 years? Yeah 40 years." Stephen says his eyebrows doing that wiered thing they do when he thinks. "So what's new boys?" I ask wanting to know every detail I've missed. They give each other different looks that I can't make out, like there challenging each other.

"Steamon haide ao neing girlfack thathrin looks like Katherine." They try and speak at the same time, but all I could understand was the part Damon said by himself. "Damon you first Stephen keep your mouth shut." I say sternly, the both nod there head glaring slightly at each other." Stephen has a new girlfriend that looks like Katherine." Damon says and this time I can actually understand him. I nod my head and look at Stephen. "Please tell me she doesn't act like Katherine?" I practically beg Stephen. He shakes his head really fast getting a love struck puppy look on his face.

"Oh she's the completely different, she's sweet and caring and just not Katherine." He says his voice kinda dazed out. I giggle happily, I'm glad Stephen is happy again. "Well that's good now," I pause and clap my hands together. "What you were going to say?" I ask him very curious about everything. "Damon tried to bring back Katherine." He explains so I can understand. "Really Day, so it didn't work?" Damon shakes his head getting an angry face. "It would have worked of she would have been in the tomb."

I look down and fiddle with my fingers knowing how much she means to Damon, even though he doesn't want to say it. "I'm so sorry Day." I say getting up to hug the sulking man. "It's fine I'm not even upset." He protests hugging me back anyway. "Whatever helps you sleep Day, so any plans tonight I wanna meet new people, I wanna meet some boys." I say releasing Damon from the hug. "As far as anyone else knows I'm your big sister. " I look at both of them. "Okay sis, do you want to hang our with me, Lana, her friends, and her brother." I nod my head jumping up from my spot on the couch.

"Fuck yes, I'm going to go change, I already put everything in my room, it was so easy to get in your house without you knowing." They just shake there head and I walk to my room

I put my iPhone 7 in my Ouija case and put my daylight ring back on, I took it off to get dresses

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I put my iPhone 7 in my Ouija case and put my daylight ring back on, I took it off to get dresses. My ring is way more pretty then Damon, and Stephens, because I just got a new one to be more 2000's instead of I don't even know 1600's? I forget it I'm 982 years old though, and it's 2016 so yeah.

I look in the mirror happy with my look. I love my hair it's blue and pink and I think it's called galixy. "I'm Ready to go Steph, your taking me the hole way though." I say hopping on the younger vampires back. He shakes his head, "I missed you, but I didn't miss this.' He says but dose not try and tell me to get of. "Good boy." I say patting his head giggling like a mad women. We get to a place called the grill in under 10 seconds. "Your getting slow Stephen." I say still on his back. " You would be to if you had someone else on your back." I shake my head at him. "We get in the grill they are most likely waiting and I wanna meet my baby brothers girlfriend!" I say sarcastically though I can't wait to meet his girlfriend, we are not related in anyway.

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