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It's a one shot people, I'll try my best.


     We walked in to target, with sleepyness in our eyes. We walked over to the grocery area. And went down the cereal isle. Cheerios, fruit loops, honey oh's, Raisin Bran, I told the kids to grab. Lea, Daren, and Tyler grabbed the cereal, and put it in to the cart. I told Lea to get the milk. Her being 12, she went. 

     Lea was 12, she was usually bubbley and happy, and sometimes overly excited, but not now, and maybe never again. Daren, was 9, he was the intelligent one out of all of us, and very musical. Tyler was 7, his twin had just died, he hadn't said a word in 3 days. And Bethany, or Beth, she was the baby of us. She was usuall happy doing whatever, and being her independent self, but lately she had been depressed for a 3 year old. There was me, Allison, I was the oldest, 16, almost died, and the one everyone told, that I should be a model when I grow up. The others were not present now, and some will never be again. 

     Lea came back with the milk, and we went on to get more food. I grabbed the apples, carrots, oranges, cucumbers, and applesauce 

List:     Cheerios✔️, fruit loops ✔️, honey oh's ✔️, Raisin Bran ✔️, milk✔️, apples✔️, applesauce✔️, carrots✔️, oranges✔️, cucumbers✔️, fruit strips, English muffins, blueberries, bread, peanut butter, butter, deli ham, orange juice, grapes, and some cookies for a special treat, if there good.

     Just as we were about to get the English muffins and the bread, my phone started ringing. I picked it up when I saw it was dad. 

''Hello dad, what's wrong?''

''I just got the reasults for mom.''

''Are they good or bad?'' My voice was nervous, and the kids were looking at me with anxious eyes, for an answers.

''There giving her 3 months, if she doesn't wake up, there shutting it off.'' His voice was stressed

I was shocked, until it hit me, '' That means, she is going to die?'' I ask

''She may or may not.'' He says, I can tell he's walking. 

''Where are you right now?'' 

''I'm walking to Maggie's room.'' He answers.

Maggie  is my younger sister, she's is 15.

''Got it.''

''Bring the kids to school tomorrow, and don't come back to the hospital, I will call if there are any updates.'' He says.

I look at the kids, they will need some rest, and have to get back to school, or there gonna fail. 

''Okay, I'll bring them tomorrow.''

''Bye honey, I love you no matter what happens.''

''Love you to dad, see you tomorrow.''

I press ''end'' and put my phone back in to he diaper bag.

     I turn to the kids and say, ''there giving mom 3 months, if  she doesn't wake up, there gonna turn her off.''

I feel bad for them, one of there brothers just died. Don't worry, it will be happy, I think........don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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