The Beginning

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January 1, 2027

Well it's the start of a new year,which means a new diary. I am going to treat you as a friend, and not only with you be my friend you will be my sidekick, my new family member and everything else you could ever dream of.

Anyway before I start rambling on about my life, I think you need to know the basics. My name is Amber Whiteye. I am 14 years old and I live in California, United States of America. And your new name is Kati (but you pronounce it Cat) I won't use your name all the time because there is really no need.

I think that is enough for today really because I am very tired and I need to get some rest! I went to a New Year's Eve party last night and we didn't get back until 3am!

Anyways goodnight for now Kati!


January 2, 2027

I have never really expressed my life story to anyone but I really think I should to you. I'm sorry if this drags Kati but before I start writing anything important in you, you need to know the basics of me.

I was born in a cab, my mother says apparently she couldn't get to the hospital in time but I think thats a lie! She has never really loved me, she has always loved my older brother Callum more. I always feel unloved.

I was raised in a small flat, where I didn't have a bed and I wasn't allowed in my brothers room. This meant for most of my childhood I had a small pillow, a sheet and I slept in the bath. This started from the day I was born. I have never really felt safe at home. EVER.

My first day a primary school was horrid, I was named Buck-Toothed Amber. Because yes I had very bad teeth, but that wasn't my problem, I couldn't help that! The first years of primary school were tough, but by year 4, I had settled in nicely and I even had a few friends! Life was fine outside of home!

Sorry about the rambling on but I think it is necessary.

At the end of year 4 my mother decided that my brother needed a bigger room, so we moved house, therefore moving primary schools as well. I was very sad about this and it felt like whenever I had just got up onto my feet, I had been knocked down again.

We moved house and things were even harder there wasn't a room for me, or even a bath anymore! Mother also said that now I wasn't allowed in the living room because I was to dirty. I think this was a pile of crap, because I sleep on the floor in the bathroom so I am the closest to the shower! I also have a shower everyday!

Life went on and things were sort of getting slowly better!

I got good grades in primary school and moved in secondary school with ease.

But that's when it got worse.

I was the first one in my year to get braces, and I was being called Brace Face Amber. This was worse than the last name and I wasn't happy at all. However through all this I knew there would be good because my teeth would be straight and nice at last.

I also think apart from teeth I was quite pretty, I had long blonde hair, stunning blue eyes and perfect features like a super model.

It didn't go away though, people slowly found more ways to make fun of me calling me stupid because of my hair colour, evil because of my eye colour and a fake because I apparently looked so perfect I looked like a Barbie doll.

This wasn't how I wanted to spend my secondary school years!

I am obviously still going through secondary school but I know have straight teeth!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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