Fresh X PJ Chapter 2 "The Troublemakers"

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~The morning~

-Fresh Pov-

I woke up still hugging my sweet Jammy,'She looks pretty cute when shes sleeping..' I thought then I kissed her forehead and held her closer.A few minuets later she woke up looking at me with her beautiful eyes,Jammy was slightly blushing as well witch made her look adorable My nose bled "*gasp* Fresh!" She put the bed-sheet on my nose she was acting very sweet I blushed "Fresh you need to be more careful." She said in her sweet voice "heheh... Sorry Jammy..." I responded "It's alright Mr.Fresh!I just don't want you to be in pain is all." She told me lovingly "Aww that's so nice of you to say!" I said flattering Jammy she giggled "You seem to be feeling better Jam!" I said "Yeah,I am feeling better!"She said I looked at the time "Oh shoot! We need to get to school!" I yelled,I told Jam i'd meet her at school unless she wanted help getting dressed because she might be still a bit woozy,she slightly blushed and said "N-no I-I'm fine!" I may or may not have watched her get dressed and nose bled a couple times...when she was fully dressed I waited my the door we walked to the bus stop and took the bus to school...

~On the bus~

-PJ Pov-

Me and Mr.Fresh sat next to each-other on the 2 seat side I leaned on him and he leanred on me. Are hands were touching I blushed it felt nice cosy even...I could hear some camera phones clicking quietly I could not see were they were coming from because I was on the window side,so I asked Fresh,"Hey Mr.Fresh can you see were the clicking is coming from...?" He looked around his eyes were flaming purple fire,I looked were he was facing (Front part of the bus) there were girls taking pictures of me and Mr.Fresh I was really shy around cameras and Fresh knew that. Embarrassed I cover my face with my scarf and made a long high pitched quiet noise,Mr.Fresh grabbed the girls' phones and smashed em'.He came back to me and snuggled with me and said "Don't worry Jam I'm here to make sure no-one will hurt you or do anything you don't want them to do to you." His comforting words made me feel safer as he held me closer,he nuzzled my forehead I blushed. I heard quiet 'Awww's' in the background it didn't  bother me much.

~When we arrived at school~

I held Fresh's hand tightly but not too tight as we walked into school hoping nothing bad will happen.It was Thursday and on Thursday we had P.E,me and Fresh didn't like P.E at all for us P.E didn't stand for Physical Education no to me and Fresh it stood for Physical Embarrassment.When we got to P.E me and Fresh were told: "Girl's and boy's are in different places when they do P.E." We wanted to stay together so we didn't let go of each-other until the teach put us in the changing rooms matching our genders.I was really shy around the rest of the girls in the changing room feeling alone. I knew Emily wasn't my friend anymore so we didn't talk to each-other,when i was all dressed I was told to go to the tennis courts and wait for everyone else to get changed so we could start the lesson...

-Fresh's Pov-

When I was plonked in the boys changing room you would not believe what was on the walls d***s,in my mind I was thinking 'what the funk is up with this place' then some guys came up to me one was called fell another edge Fresh. They teased me on my caring for Jammy they pushed me down and said "Your the weakest piece of SH*T I have ever seen!" and Edge Fresh said "Your such a softy for your stupid girlfriend you have!"Y'know what I did I kicked em' both in the crown jewels! "AUGH! FU**!" Fell screamed "FU**! WHAT THE HELL!" Edge yelled,I legged it to the tennis courts so they wouldn't get me.*heavy breathing* "Phew...I'm safe..." Then I looked around and saw Jammy she looked funking sexy!! My nose bled then she saw me slightly embarrassed and blushing a little she was wearing a short skirt and a small white top.I passed out...

-PJ Pov-

"Mr.Fresh!" I emidietly ran over to him and carried him on my back to the nurse. The nurse put him on a bed and checked his palse he was alive thankfully,the nurse told me to wait or go get changed if I was going to help him get home I got changed I rielised I was wearing my party outfit in case of a party or a disco "O-oops.." I put my scarf and top on but I also wore a short skirt similar color of my jacket then I grabbed mine and his stuff.When I got back he was asleep still so I waited..

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