Chapter 3

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Life as a Stevenson

Kayla's Point of View

I wake up with a pounding headache and I'm laying on Chris.
Soon after waking up I try to get up but he has a tight grip on me.

Me: Chris wake up
Chris: Hmmm?
Me: Chris let me up please
Chris: No, baby mama where are you going?
Me: The bathroom nigga let me up I got a headache
Chris: Fine

He lets me up and as soon as he let me up I ran to the bathroom..
Shit i had to pee...
After that I walk to my room here and change into:

• Light Green knee high socks And my hair in a mess bunI then head to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone

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• Light Green knee high socks
And my hair in a mess bun
I then head to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone

Chris's Point of View
After Kayla got up I tried to go back to sleep but then a few moments later I smelled food being cooked.
So I walk downstairs to see Kayla in some tight ass white shorts
I smirked to myself and go up behind her grabbing her waist and I can tell that I scared her because she jumped

Kayla: BOY! You scared the shit outta me
Me: My bad baby

Kayla turns around and raises her right eyebrow

Kayla: Since when did I become your baby?

I move closer to her face

Me: Since the first day we met

Kayla blushes and hides her face in my chest

Me: Kay.. Stop hiding your face from me

I moved her face back so I can look at her and she looks up at me and into my eyes
I then lean in to kiss her and we was almost lip to lip until-

Honey: OOOOOO!!!! Get it Kay!

Kayla breaks away from looking at me

Kayla: Shut the Fuck up Honey....
Honey: Girl you was bout to get your freak on

Honey wiggles her eyebrows causing Kayla to chuckle

Kayla: Nooooo. But anyway Chris go wake up Ty and tell him-
Ty: FOOD!!!!

He kisses kayla all over her face

Kayla: EWWWW TY!!! My face mannn

She mumbles something that wasn't audible

Ty: What was said?! Speak up!

Me and Honey busted out laughing😂

Ty: Mannnn fuck you cuh, how many times we gotta go through this on a daily ?
Kayla: MAD? YOU MAD? Thats what i thought
Ty: Mannnn... Fuck it and you
Kayla: mmmm okay
Honey: Ooooooo damnnn, bruhhhhhh
Kayla: Mann Honey shut up
Honey: Shut up hoe... Anyway wanna go somewhere with me?
Kayla: Sure.. Let me change first

Kayla runs upstairs and I take the opportunity to see her ass bouncin' up the steps

Me: DAMN😍😍😍

Ty smacks my head

Me: Oweee man
Ty: Thats my sister nigga
Me: Well... Soo... Shit your sister and my bestfriend got A BIG ASS!!! 😍😍
Ty: Nigg- ( gco )
Kayla: Ight boo I'm ready

She has on:

Babygirl was looking fine as hell

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Babygirl was looking fine as hell.... wait wtf am i saying... aye it's the truth though

Honey: Well me and my boo will be back...

Then mumbles maybe...

Ty: What you mean may-

They walk out the door

Them: BYE TY!!! BYE CHRIS!!!

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