Chapter 3 continued

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The old man looked at Sileena, and his gaze drifted over her face

before looking her dead in the eyes. His expression changed from the

calm smile to one of curiosity. "Dorren, did you notice...?"

"Yes, don't worry." Drake had his back to the two of them as he

made his way to the bedroom.

"But are you sure it's safe?"

What were they on about?

"The circumstances would be different if it wasn't safe."

"You could have at least knocked her out. You know, so she does

not see."

Sileena went to protest. See what? But Drake spoke before she

could open her mouth.

"What's the point? She would obviously figure it out and the

cabin is not exactly large. It wouldn't take a genius to know where to


The old man disappeared into his own thoughts for a few seconds,

before losing the curious expression and smiling again. "Be that on

your head, Dorren. Well," the old man said with a confident expression,

"don't want to spoil the welcome party."

Sileena was just as confused as ever, but now knew one thing.

"Your name's Dorren, not Drake. You lied to me." The idiot had only

told her one thing, and even that was not true.

"Did you expect anything any different? I'll see you later, Lockarr,"

Dorren said, with emphasis on the old man's name. He then opened

a wardrobe and pulled the back away, revealing a passage of stairs going


"Well," the old man said with an amused expression, "that was

very spiteful. I say your name by mistake and you use mine."

It was something that Sileena thought would have been bad, but

the old man really did not seem to mind. He was a strange one.

Dorren looked at Lockarr and shrugged before turning to Sileena

and beckoning her. "Come on, I've been travelling and I'm wanting to

get to my bed already. I'm sure you will be as well."

Sileena was relieved to know that she was not going to be sleeping

in that bed in the cabin. However, it might be much worse downstairs:

a dungeon, perhaps. She might be tied up in chains within a cellar. If

that were the case she would happily take the ruined bed. Thinking

about it was making her uneasy; even more than she had been before.

But she had little choice, and so followed Dorren into the dark passage

and down the spiral staircase.

"So, what will happen to me?"

Dorren stopped to look at her with a thoughtful expression,

before turning and continuing downstairs. "You will be safe and kept

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