Chapter 2

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Pov Weiss.

"Great. She shut me down. Can someone say friendzone?" I sigh as I walk towards the track two days after the hard let down from Ruby. You said it yourself. I'm your best friend, and always will be.

"Maybe some running will help me clear my head." I sigh again. I enter the oval shape dirt ring known as the school track. I look around hoping to see Ruby, but am left in bitter disappointment as she is no-where to be seen. "Oh right shes asleep" I close my ice colored eyes and take a deep breath. Once I open my eyes I walk towards the track. Normally I would run 12 laps by myself and then Ruby and I would run 4 together. But no Ruby so I guess I'll be doing 16 by myself. A tear almost comes to my eye when I take a moment to breath. "Wait a damn minute. I am WEISS, FUCKING, SCHNEE. This should not bother me at all." I take one more moment and prepare myself in a runners stance.

If you have never seen one a basic running stance is to put both your hands lightly to the ground while still resting all of your weight on the balls of your feet, heels in the air, back arched, and ready to straighten out as you start to run. Which is exactly what I start to do. In about 29.5 minutes I finish all of my laps. The big meet is tomorrow. I hope Ruby will come. She and I have talked less since two days ago. And it is blatantly obvious something is wrong, according to Yang anyway. I need some time to decide what to do then maybe I'll know how to talk to her again.

It only takes two minutes to reach the dorms and I'm too lazy to grab my scroll so I just knock. An angry Ruby opens the door. "There you are!" she shouts, staring angrily at me. She looks up and down, scanning me, then gets even angrier. "And you went to the track without me! That's a jerk move Weiss. Why did you let me sleep through the practice? I like being there."

"Ruby. The reason I did not take you was because I didn't think you would want to go with me. You seemed un-happy with me. So I thought I'd let you stay asleep here. I'm sorry." I state simply. "So I guess that means you will come to my meet tomorrow?" I ask with a small trace of hope In my voice.

"Why wouldn't I? I am your best friend aren't I?" She looks at me smiling. "So that is a yes. I promise. But right now I have to go. I've got someone to see." She tries to slip out but I put my arm in the way.

"Dressed like this?" I ask in disbelief. She is wearing the pajama pants she always wears. They are pink with hearts all over them. And a simple black tee shirt that has a flaming pink heart on the front. And her hair is everywhere. I raise an eyebrow and look at her. "Really?"

"What? I doubt he will care at all what I look like. And frankly I don't. I have no reason to." She glares at me with a look of slight disdain. Then surprise as she realized she said too much.

"Oo and who might this be?" I ask good naturedly. She just looks at me and pushes past. Effectively ending the conversation. I try to walk in the door but stop short as I see that Ruby closed it behind her. "She's gonna go see a guy?! Why?!" I think as I begrudgingly drag my scroll out to open the door. Once the door clicks I am immediately blindsided by a question from yang.

"So what was that?" The blonde brute under her blanket asked. "It sounded pretty heated. Right Blake?" She asks both me and Blake.

"Reading." Blake's voice sounds out. The girl in black on the lower bunk that never takes her bow off puts her book even closer to her face. "That is all I have to say."

"Oh come on Blake." Yang says. "You never have my back anymore." Yang then begins to grumble to herself and rolls over. Completely forgetting about me. I sigh and go to my bed underneath Ruby's treacherous hanging bunk That could fall and kill me at any moment. I lay down and face the wall and listen intently for Blake to fall asleep. "Wonder what guy Ruby is with? Ah, it doesn't matter. I may have a crush but she kinda made it clear she doesn't feel the same. I mean why would she? All I've ever done is scold, nag, and pick her apart. I'm surprised she is still my friend." The moment I hear Blake's soft snores I make my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stuff a towel under the door and sat down on the toilet, and began to cry.

* *. *

I woke up at about 7:30 a.m. ready for the day. Or so I though. "So Weiss." Ruby begins. "Why were you in the bathroom for a full 3 hours after I got back?" When I left the bathroom last night Ruby had already come back.

"no reason Ruby. None at all." I begin to turn around only to have her suddenly and unexpectedly hug me. "Ruby. Please let go. I need to get ready for the meet." I say rather coldly. As I begin to struggle. After about two minutes she finally lets me go. "Ruby you dolt! I don't have time for this." She immediately looks down, turns around and jumps on her bed."Curse my cold nature." "Ruby I-"

"Just go already!" She says. The hurt she feels is definitely in her voice. She didn't even try to hide it. "I'll see you at the meet." She whispers.

Oh great. Now in addition to being cold towards everyone, I hurt the only person I actually have had feelings for. I thought I was going to tell her last night but she said something that made me change my mind. You said it yourself. I'm your best friend, and always will be. That's what she said. Now that I look back I should have asked her anyway. She might have surprised me. But first I need to talk to Yang. It's about 8 o'clock. I have 2 hours.

I go into the bathroom and grab my shorts, white tee for running, and Some underwear and a sports bra. "This is the only shot I have" I think. But Yang might just kill me. I'll see soon enough. I turn the shower on and step in. I personally like to take freezing cold showers. The water wakes me up and helps me think. Plus the cold is the more favorable of the two temperatures.

I step out of the shower, get my clothes on, and step out of the bathroom and look up onto Yang's bed only to see her still asleep. I reach up and shake her to try to wake her up. A hand immediately grabs mine and Yang turns to look at me. "Oh, it's only you. What do you want?" She asks quizzically.

"Yang, we need to talk. And like right now." I tell her, stressing the importance of it. She looks at me. "Please Yang. I don't have a lot of time before the meet. And I need to talk to you." She continues to look at me. Then jumps right out of bed and grabs clothes for a shower.

"We'll talk after my shower, okay?" She looks at me. When I don't immediately answer she just shrugs and goes into the bathroom. Seconds later the shower can be heard. I go and flop onto my bed. Ruby is asleep again and Blake is just staring at me. It's beginning to creep me out.

"Umm, Blake? Are you ok, You look kinda dumbfounded." I ask her.

"I am." She replies. "No one usually goes to Yang for anything. So it is surprising. That's all." She stands up and walks out of the room.

"I hope this works."

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