Chapter Eighteen

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Chase chuckled at her dazed and befuddled expression as he guided Mackenzie to the chair Trent had pulled out for her and coaxed her little fine ass into it. The surprise in her green eyes turned to a bit of a panic as Trent took hold of her hand, but he also noticed her nipples pebbling beneath the front of her baggy night shirt. She might be confused, but her body was primed and showing all the telltale signs of being aroused. Not that he could blame her, he felt a little discombobulated himself. That had been one hell of a kiss and he was still reeling from the sizzle of the heat running across his skin. Turning away from the tempting vision of her breasts, he sucked in a steading breath. He needed a couple of moments to let his brain catch up with his libido and let his blood start circulating through the rest of system instead of hanging out in his dick.

Glancing over at his brother, he knew Trent had felt the explosion of that kiss too by the way his gaze never left hers and how he refused to let go of her hand even though she was trying to jerk it away from him. Yup, his brother had it just as bad and it filled Chase with a sense of hope he hadn't felt in a long time. They had finally found her. Now...if they could only convince her of that. And the sooner they succeeded the better, his cock couldn't stand much more of this torture, not to mention his balls were getting mighty tired of the shade of blue.

Hiding a smile, he turned to go fetch her a cup of coffee. There was no doubt his woman was suffering from a doozy of a hangover. She needed coffee and lots of it. She also needed something to eat, but, he frowned at the empty cupboards, that would have to wait. Picking a mug with the least number of chips around the rim, he filled it and brought it to her. After all, the last thing he wanted was for her to cut those beautiful lips he hoped to taste again later if they managed to persuade her to be theirs. Swollen from their kisses, those lips had been marked by him and his brother and he couldn't wait to mark her in other more satisfying ways. Stifling a groan at his train of thought, he tried to push the images out of his head before things in his pants became critical.

"Here you go, darlin'," he said, setting the cup in front of her.

She managed to jerk her hand away and quickly picked up her cup, almost using it as a shield with the way she was holding it up in front of her. Warily, she brought it to her lips and took a couple of sips, her eyes busily bouncing between them with a look of disbelief and utter bewilderment.

"Thank you," she muttered, taking another sip and frowning. "It's delicious." She sounded surprised and her gaze focused on her cup, her brow creasing further. "When I make coffee in that thing it turns out a lot more...chewy."

"Chase has spent a lot of hours camping on cattle drives and has damn near become a regular savant when it comes to cooking anything over an open fire," Trent said, nodding at him and raising his cup in an appreciative salute.

"It's true." Chase chuckled at her raised eyebrows. "Percolators can be tricky, but I'd be happy to show you the secret to making a great cup of coffee," he paused and gave her a lascivious grin, "or you could simply allow me to make it for you every morning."

Her skin bloomed in a rosy blush and he doubted it had anything to do with the temperature of the room or the heat of the coffee. A little niggle of guilt ate at him as he sat down next to her. She looked so lost and vulnerable, as if she didn't know quite what to do about the situation she had found herself in or her obvious attraction to both of them. When she sucked her bottom lip between her lips and nibbled nervously on it, Chase had to turn away. Here she was jumpy as a grasshopper and he could only think with his dick.

An awkward silence filled the tiny apartment. Chase sat twiddling his cup while his eyes skipped from her to his brother. Trent was drinking his coffee without taking his gaze off of Mackenzie and she kept looking into her own cup as if it held the answers to the universe. Yeah, this was going over like a fart in church, Chase thought, raising his own coffee to his lips.

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