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Vic is death in this in case there is any confusion! Thanks btw for all the reads on this I got (: Sad to say this is the last one but hope you enjoyed this itty bitty book.

A frigid gust of wind blew through the cemetery, weaving through the leaves that quickly were abandoning their trees.

Silence. So ominous and eerie it was hard to believe it was real.

It lingered in the air. Like the stench of rotting memories and forgotten souls. Not necessarily as sinister as everyone is grown to think, but left you wondering late in the night when and how it would happen.


Seemingly so simple, yet left most trembling. Death loomed over the cemetery, targeting in on a young boy sporting a thick, black cloak, his hair resembling the clothing and his skin the complete opposite. It was nearly impossible for Death to 'feel' anything but that taking souls was his duty.

But as he looked at this human, hunched over the graves of his only family, gun latched tightly in his hand, he felt. . .sympathetic. Death has seen everything. Blades tearing through skin, cancer invading the most vulnerable parts of peoples bodies, the most miserable of the miserable. But this was so different.

It was as if all the sadness from every life he'd ever taken since the beginning of time had hit him like an atomic bomb seeing this young boy. Death felt the sadness he felt. He went deep into the depths of this boy's mind, learning the darkest knowledge about him with little to no effort.

Kellin was his name. Nineteen-years-old and living alone in a poorly built shack. No one in this one's life. Both parents and all relatives dead. Briefly, he remembered harvesting those souls. It was better not to think about the awful deeds he was trapped in doing, even if he was part of life, ironically. Supposedly, Kellin had nothing to live for.

Death thought it over in sever concentration. This poor human was miserable in this life. Not one morsel of Death wanted to take this one's life. But, what if he'd honestly be happier in the afterlife? Death could make his pain and worries disappear. Vanish. All he needed was to surrender to Death's bitter-sweet reality.

Death solidified his answer to this situation by doing something he'd only done in drastic situations, taking the form of his true human self. A selfish act? Possibly. But no one could say they hadn't committed an act of that manner in their life. Death's new form resembled the age of Kellin, his hair coming down in curly, chocolate swirls, skin a soft, tan color and simply an attractive young man. Charming, even. A very different from his usual sunken, skeleton figure cloaked in a pitch black smoke resembling a cloak.

Calmly, Death approached Kellin, who'd fell into a melancholy series of weeps. Death used all the knowledge of the souls he'd taken and used them to act around a human. To take upon that species characteristics and behavior around others.

"My darling." A gentle, comforting hand was placed on Kellin's heaving back.

The sorrowful boy was quick to snap his head in the direction of whomever was disrupting his wretched moment. "W-what do you want? Who are y-you?"

Death smiled comfortingly. "Unimportant, my dearest. But as I can see. . . you are desperately unhappy."

Kellin stared ahead of Death blankly, tears dripping from his now-dull eyes and down his smooth cheeks. "Quite. . ." he whispered.

If he had one, Death's heart would have clenched. Such sadness resonated in the youngest voice. It made absolutely no sense to Death how he wanted to care this this certain human so deeply.

"What if I told you. . .that I could make it all go away," he snapped his fingers, "like that."

Of course, Death knew that Kellin was not foolish. He wasn't going to underestimate a human. Positively, he'd come across one's so very pig-headed, but he knew not this one. Desperation acted as stupidity, but Death didn't quite think so. He'd say more that the person was drastic and maybe not quite thinking right. But he wanted Kellin to be sure of this decision. After all, it would be the decision of his life, literally.

As Kellin processed this mysterious person's words, his head tilted to stare at him, confusion and woe creasing his features.

Gorgeous, Death thought. So miserable, yet still so beautiful.

"What do you mean?"

Death leant in closer to the one of seemingly pure perfection, lips so close. "I can take your sadness away. Make everything better by doing one simple thing."

Kellin felt an odd comfort at this man's soothing voice, like honey drizzling from a sweet honeycomb. The human was so enticed. He had no idea what this stranger had in tail for him, but found himself wanting whatever it was to offer. Did it matter anymore? Someone was promising no more pain for his tortured soul, and that was better than his current situation. Kellin nodded slowly, eyes swelling with more tears. Tears of possible relief.

"But may I ask. . .what is your name?"

Death smiled, brushing a strand of silky hair from Kellin's beautiful face. Quickly, he formulated a simple name in his head, not wanting to tell Kellin who he really was. He didn't want the poor boy to be frightened.

"Victor. And all I want is to set you free, darling," Death whispered, before pressing his lips gently to Kellin's.

The younger gasped. Every part of his body felt warm and gooey. He melted against Death, or Victors, touch and let his soul set free into the next life. Death felt the gorgeous boy go limp in his arms and his warm lips go cold.

Now he could be happy. Now he could go on in peace.


well this was pretty dark. and also death is never the answer! This is just supposed to be creepy.

Thanks to everyone who read this and I hope you liked it!


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