Chapter 6: The End? Or A New Beginning

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You wiped the blood from your mouth as you staggered to your feet, your breaths came out in ragged gasps and your vision was beginning to blur. A punch connected with your jaw from somewhere to your left and dropped you back onto one knee, your Aura was all but depleted and you were in no condition to use your Semblance, dozens of White Fang members surrounded you attacking from all sides, not giving you a chance to react or recover. But you wouldn't allow yourself to stay down, not until you knew they were safe. Once more you rose to your feet barely catching yourself as your knees buckled, you spat the blood out of your mouth. You managed to find the strength to speak "Not yet" your voice was barely a whisper. You weren't afraid to die, you'd taken so many lives that you knew it was only a matter of time before your sins caught up with you, instead your were angry at yourself for not telling Ruby your true feelings. Suddenly your mind was assaulted by images of that silver eyed girl, her red hood, her obsession with weapons, her slightly unsettling addiction to cookies and most of all her smile, that smile that had warmed your heart so many times. You smiled, if it meant her getting away safe maybe dying wasn't so big a price to pay. You couldn't help but think back to how you found yourself in this situation as you pulled Rose from it's holster and shot at the nearest White Fang.


The five of you had been tasked by Ozpin to locate and destroy a small White Fang camp to the south of Vale in an abandoned warehouse, resistance was expected to be light, ten or fifteen White Fang at the most, it was a small operation which scouting had shown to be used mainly for the storage of stolen dust. Blake had made quick work of the sentries keeping watch and so you all gathered at the doors, they'd been chained shut from the inside but that didn't matter to a certain blonde haired brawler, you raised your hand and held up three fingers and slowly lowered one at a time, when you reached zero Yang shot a blast into the centre of the doors instantly blowing them from the hinges, you all took the opportunity to dash into the warehouse. You all ran inside only to find the building seemingly abandoned there were no containers of dust, no stolen Lien. "Guys, something doesn't seem ri-" you were suddenly cut off by the sound of rifles being cocked, lights from above were turned on and you realised the situation you were in, you'd walked right into an ambush.

You looked around, there were at least thirty White Fang, half of them were armed with rifles and stood on the catwalks above, while the rest carried swords and other melee weapons and were starting to close in on your team. Running wouldn't work, they would mow you all down before you even made it five steps to the door and fighting them wasn't a good call either, no matter how strong the five of you were, you were outnumbered and quite literally outgunned. "It looks like heroic self sacrifice is the only option I've got here" You thought to yourself, a small grin on your face at the thought of the ex-assassin giving his life to save somebody else. "I just want to let you four know that the time we spent together was honestly the best part of my life, just know that I'm sorry for what I'm about to do" You suddenly shot at one of the overhead lights with Rose, causing the White Fang to cover themselves from the falling glass, you used the distraction to create four tendrils of shadow and use them to throw Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang outside, before creating a wall of shadows at the door and turning it solid. "What the hell do you think you're doing (y/n)?! Let us back in, we can take them out if we all work together!" You heard something else hitting the wall followed by Ruby's voice "Please (y/n) don't do this!" You could tell she was crying, but you couldn't let that distract you now. "JUST GO! GET BACK TO BEACON" you shouted back, you heard faint murmurs before hearing the girls start to run away.

-End Flashback-

-Time skip of 2 weeks-

(Ruby's PoV)

It had been two weeks since that day, since (y/n) had used himself as a distraction so that we could escape from the White Fang, I missed him so much he was always so calm and collected, but he could be sweet too. I wanted him to be okay but a part of me was saying that there was no way he could have survived that, even being as strong as he was, there were just too many of them. A tear ran from my eye and down my cheek before falling from the edge of the roof, this was the first time I'd left the dorm in two weeks but I still didn't want to speak to anybody, so I came up to the roof at night. I could tell why (y/n) came up here so often, it was peaceful. Another tear followed the first, and another after that, before long I was was crying, letting all of the pain and sadness out properly for the first time since that day. "(Y/n)!" I cried, not caring if anybody could hear me, I just wanted him to hold me again, like the first night that we shared a bed. "You called?" I turned around in shock at the voice that came from behind me, and gasped in shock at what I saw, it was (y/n)! He had a scar running from just above his left eyebrow down past his eye, finishing just before his top lip, and his chin was covered in a light stubble, but it was (y/n). My body seemed to act on it's own as I ran towards him and buried my face in his chest, pounding on his shoulders with my fists as I did so "You idiot!" I shouted, my voice muffled by the fabric of his (f/c) t-shirt. "How could you do something to stupid?! Do you have any idea how worried we all were?" I was shouting, and hitting him, and I was still crying but there was a smile on my face.

(Y/N's PoV)

You smiled as you wrapped your arms around Ruby, holding her close. You knew it now, this was the girl that you loved more than anybody else. You didn't think that you'd ever feel this way about somebody, but here you were, still standing after taking down thirty White Fang all because you wouldn't allow yourself to die before telling her how you felt. "I'm sorry for making you worry Ruby, but I don't regret doing what I did, but I'm here now and there's something that I have to tell you" you said into her ear, she tensed up for a moment and you thought she might start crying again but instead she lifted her face from your chest and looked up at you, those silver eyes seemed to stare straight into your soul as you continued "I love you Ruby, the reason that i'm still standing here to tell you that is because I couldn't let myself die before finally letting you know how I feel." The two of you sat down on the edge of the roof, hands lightly brushing against the others, the sun had just started to rise. Ruby rested her head on your shoulder, you could hear birds singing faintly in the distance, and a warm morning breeze blew gently across the roof. "I love you too (y/n)" said Ruby as she planted a kiss on your cheek.

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