Something's Familiar About This Stranger Like Me

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The day had started slow. You were up late with the pavk last night to watch their hunting patterns so you decided yo stay in and sleep because that was probably what the wolves were up to as well.

Around 3 p.m., after you had lunch you found some of the younger betas lurking around your trailer, so you just stepped outside and watched them do their thing.

About a couple of hours later you were following the whole pack together, being lazy and playing around when you heard something moving somewhere. It sounded like something big and heavy, a bear maybe? But there weren't any bears on that particular area. You looked around trying to figure it out and realized the alpha wolf did the same.

You looked ahead and saw one of the trees moving, except the green of the liquens on the trunk was a different shade and it had black hair instead of leaves.

The creature turned around and looked straight at you and the pack. He looked pissed to say the least, but you'll be damned if you were going to let it destroy all your hard work with those wolves. You'ce handled angry wildlife before. How worse could it be from a lion or a bear, right?

At least that's what you told yourself while you ran to the creature, trying to take his attention away from the pack and your trailer not far behind them.

"HEY!" you yelled, moving your arms. The creature growled at you. "It's okay," you said on a softer tone "everything's okay".

His attention was taken from you to a bird that flew by. He wasn't happy about that either.

"No, no. Look at me." You called. "Hey, eyes on me." you gestured  again. 'Leave the birdie alone and look at me." You let out your breath when he did as you said.

"Good boy..." you tried, taking a step towards him, which only made things worse. The green giant growled loudly hit his chest like a gorilla and took two steps back. "Okay, sorry, sorry." You tried again. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Whenever an animal feels threatened it will either try to attack you or it will flee. At least that's what your experience told you. You remembered one time when you had a stand off with a pride of lions, you had to show them you belonged there too. This situation, however, was the exact opposite. You needed to make yourself look small and non-threatening.

He looked at you closely, curious. You lowered your arms and kneeled on the floor. "See? Everything's okay. I'm not gonna do anything." You said calmly.

He mimicked you, crouching right in front of you. He was really close now, so close you could feel his heavy breathing, so close you could have sworn you saw a glimpse of someone in his eyes.

"I'm not gonna hurt you you said once more trying to make him assimilate your words. "Everything's fine." You slowly reached for him again, carefully, looking for any red flags he might display. "I'm not gonna hurt you." You had your hand out, "I promise, okay?"

He lifted his huge hand and conected it with yours. "OKAY" he said with a deep strong voice.

You smiled but he didn't smile back. Instead he began shrinking. His hand was now only a could of inches bigger than yours. He wasn't green anymore. He was a man, normal sized, unconscious on the grass and completely naked.

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