The Past that I Didn't Knew (prologue)

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"M-mom?" Shivered Ted, Ted was comfortably asleep until he heard a noise downstairs. Ted was curious and scared when he heard the big noise, so Ted then went downstairs quietly to check out what had happened. After he reached downstairs he went to the kitchen, and saw a couple of pots and pans on the floor. Maybe he thought that he didn't put them right in the cabinet, while he was helping his mom clean the kitchen. Then a loud shriek came out of nowhere, Ted run where the scream was and found............found.....


Frightend and quiverly, Ted saw a man with a mask, the mask had a blue painted tear on it, black baggie eyes, Rose painted cheeks, and a wide smile. The man was holding a knife, filled with the blood of Ted's mother.
Ted froze when he saw his mother's lifeless body, and the killer's weapon, then the killer. Ted shackly moved back, whimpering, and crying.
"MOM!!! PLEASE HElP ME!!!! Ted screamed, when the killer walked slowly to Ted.
"SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP ME!!!!" Screamed Ted, then a big barge came from the door and a neighbor came and tackled the killer, then the wife of the neighbor came and grabbed Ted and ran.
The killer and the neighbor were still in the ground fighting and struggling to get out from each others grip, then the killer cut the neighbor side and ran out to the window. The neighbor slowly rose up and walked towards the window and checked if the killer on sight, unfourtenatly he was gone before looking at the window. Till then when the man turned around, he saw the woman's lifeless body and looked devastated and petrified "My word..." Muttered the neighbor. After he looked at her lifeless body, he walked out of the room apartment and saw his wife holding Ted, when she looked at her husband surprisedly, she put the boy slowly down and ran to her husband.
"Liam, oh thank God that you're okay!!" Calmly reclaimed
"Yes, I'm fine sweetie." Assured Liam

Till then his wife realized the smudge of blood on his PJ's.

"Liam, what's that smudge on your side of the shirt?" She questioned.
"Sweetie, it's fine." Replied to to his wife, then his wife took her husband hand slowly and slowly and saw a big large cut in his side curve.
"Liam, what the bloody hell happened?!" She barked at liam.
"Meg, it's fine, it's just a scratch." Liam assured.
"FINE?!, Liam he almost cut you in half!!"
"Meg please, i'm fine, please don't worry about me."
"Liam, this is a mudering scene, you almost worried me, you almost died!!" Cried Meg
"Meg, i'm deeply sorry, i will never abandon you, or leave you."

Then Liam hugged his wife passionately, while he was hugging his wife, he saw the boy unconscious in the floor.
"Meg, what happen to Ted?" Questioned Liam
"After you were fighting with the killer, I took the boy away, and he just fainted." Answered Meg
"Poor boy, he seen too much for this night." Murmured Liam.

The couple look at the boy, unconscious and hurt.

"Sweetie did you called the police?" Questioned Liam
"Yes, they should be here by now."

Outside was filled with blue and red blinking colors, and loud sirens going off. The couple went out of the building, while liam was holding the boy. Then a FBI agent came over to the couple and started to speak to them.

"Excuse me, but are you Liam and Meg Suthen's?"
"Yes, that us." Replied Liam

The Agent looked at couple then looked at the boy.

"Is this your kid?"
"N-no, you see, he's not ours he's-" Replied Meg
"He's the son of the victim, his mother was just murdered." Answered Liam
"Oh pardon me, my name is George Lawrence, or call me Lawrence, it doesn't matter." Proposed the Agent
"Nice to meet you." Both of them responded
"What are your connection's with the victim?" Questioned the agent.
"Well, were right next door them, I guess you could say that were neighbor." Answered Meg
"What is your connection to the boy?"
"Well, his mother I'm not there but my wife takes care of him."
"I see, tell what's the boy's name?"
"His name is-"

While Meg tried to tell the agents name, Ted was starting to wake up, he was confused of what was starting to wake up, he was confused of what was happening then when he had a full clear vision of what's going on, he saw Liam carrying him and Meg next to him. Then Ted spoke.

"Mr. Liam? Mrs. Meg?"
"Oh my goodness, your okay!!" Screamed Meg  smiling and crying in tears.
"I thought i almost lost you!!"
"I'm fine, and Mom?"
Then a dead silent came, they looked away at Ted, and Liam facingthe street floor. Till then Ted started to remember.

"O-Oh" Replied Ted, Ted then started to cry in tears, he tried so hard to keep it for himself, but couldn't help it.

"Hey" greeted Lawrence, kneeling down in his knees.
"My name is Agent Lawrence, I'm from the FBI."

Ted looked at Lawrence innocently.

"What's your name kid?"

Ted look at the agent then into the street floor, then replied.

"I'm T-Ted, Ted ( idk his last name)."
"Nice to meet you Ted."

The agent stretch his hand to Ted to shake his hand, then Ted reach his arm and shook  the agent's hand. Then the agent spoke again.

"Now Ted, if it's alright with you, that lady over there is going to take you to the police station, after you get there, the both of us will talk about what happened tonight, now I'm just gonna ask you these question, and you'll answer them, and if you don't want to talk, that's fine."

Ted didn't mind at all, but he wanted the Suthen's couple to come with him, if the police don't mind.

"Y-yeah, but if it's okay, if they can come with me?" Asked Ted

Ted and Lawrence looked at at the couple and mostly they wanted to go with him, so Lawrence responded.

"I don't see why not?"

Ted then went to the couple and wanted them to be closer to him, then Ted gripped their hands and started to hold him. Liam and Meg went with the lady, who was waiting for them and took them to the police station.
When they were gone, Agent Lawrence went to the crime scene and looked at the most devastating murder scene he had ever seen, worse from other murder cases. He felt horrible about the boy, about how he had seen so much, in a small age, and how he see his own mother die in front of him, in his young, innocent eyes. While he was about to leave the scene and head out to the station, Agent Lawrence said his last words.

"Poor kid."

Hey guys just letting u this just a prologue of how this it all happened, but letting u know I'm still doing RWBYSONIC, so don't worry about it.( mostly I'm just lazy, sooooo yeah) anyways hope u like this story😁😁😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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