Day Off

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It was currently Call's day off. After a week of hard and grueling training Master Rufus gave his apprentices the day off to study independently. Of course that's not what they were doing at all. At the moment Tamara was in her room doing who knows what. She said that she was drawing. Then there's Call. He woke up with his leg being sorer than usual because of the training that week, but tried to play it cool. And failed. He barely made it to the kitchen in his dorm to make coffee when Aaron was there asking if his leg hurt. How he always knew when it was worse than others Call would never understand, but at least Aaron cared. Tamara smirked and rolled her eyes at Aaron's worrying and went to back her room. Aaron was still bombarding him with questions about what he could do to make it better. He eventually settled on Tylenol and not letting Call walk around, which was completely unnecessary and frankly it was a little annoying to Call. After a few hours of not being allowed to get up from the couch he voiced his grievances to Aaron. Aaron just smirked and proceeded to pick Call up and put him on his back. In other words Aaron was now giving Call a piggy-back ride. Call was blushing furiously and held a striking resemblance to a tomato. Aaron just gave him a cheeky grin and asked where he wanted to go. Call responded by nervously gulping and saying his room. Aaron proceeded to Call's room and dropped him off gently on the bed. After a few seconds Aaron's infuriatingly perfect face was only a foot away from Call's. Call felt his face get warm again as Aaron slowly leaned in and planted his lips on Call's. After a second to process what was happening Call melted into the kiss. When they pulled back they were both grinning like mad men. The couple spent the rest of the day cuddling in Call's bed and sharing kisses and hugs. Meanwhile Tamara was secretly watching the whole incident and was now furiously trying to write fanfiction and draw fan art at the same time.

Day Off/ Calron One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now