The Maid

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"Mom, I really don't want to" I grabbed a piece of chicken and hit into it. She turned from the oven.

"Baby girl.. I know but please.. Gina needs you and I do to. Working a job with two kids and a 19 year old is hard work with no extra support...please just go check him out" she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Okay mom" I rolled my eyes and chuckled, still paying attention to my wing.

"Thank you my love" she smiled and cooked the last can of sides we had left in the house.

"The address is on my dresser..if it asks for help today just do it honey, I know it will help you and I in the long run" I nodded my head and jogged up the stairs. I pushed her oak door to the side real fast and grabbed the note. I ran downstairs and grabbed my coat and keys and left.

I whipped out my phone and made my way to the destination.

"Wow" I said amazed

I got to a gate and told the male security officer my reason of being and he gladly let me through.

"See ya again" he chuckled. What was that supposed to mean? I continued my route and parked. I got out and knocked on the door. 3 minutes later he came to the door.


" hi I'm NaLani I'm suppose to ash if I was to be your maid?"

"Well yea you can get to work today" he moved from the door and let me through. I kicked off my slides at the front and looked around. Where to start...

"All the cleaning stuff is under the cabinet in the closet" I made my round to the closet and bent over and got everything I needed.

"You like the lakers?"

"Yea the best team that there is."

"I know it's my favorite also"

"Cool we have something in common" I winked and got to work

6 hours later

It's 11:39 and I'm tired I got her like at 5 something and it's 11:39. That's 6 hours. I plopped on the couch downstairs and laid on my stomach.

"uuhhhhh why you got this big house!" I was throwing a mental tantrum while being loud. I heard a slight chuckle behind the couch. I hopped up. I got in his face

"Is something funny yungin" I asked him crossing my arms


"Me? How's that?"

"You just are"

"You got food?"


"Okay I'm going to make myself at home also sweetie I'm staying a night"

"Sweetie?" He started laughing

"What it's cute"

"Nun man" he walked into the kitchen and I followed suite. I looked around and he had two fridges so I went to the one that said guest. It was filled with all different types of food. I brought out something and started going in.

15 minutes later

"So this is the room that will belong to you as long as I stay in this house"

"woooow thanks" I looked around my room it looked nice.

"No problem" I smiled at him and he smiled back

"I never got your name?"

"Oh August"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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