Chapter 46: Heat Demands

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On the second day of my heat, I thought that I was going to rip my breasts off. They were so heavy and sore, achy to the point that I felt like I couldn't sit upright anymore.

Derek and Evie helped me into a bath that they filled with cold water and ice. They tried to get me to drink some ice water to calm my skin that felt like it was in flames, but nothing helped. Everything was so ultra-sensitive; every wave of heat like an arousal so heightened that it pained me in a way that I didn't realize that I could feel pain.

I ended up in the shower, cold water pouring down my skin while I cursed the moon for this horrible thing. The fact that we females had to endure such a thing was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

On the third day of my heat, Lucas watched all the 'Mad Max' movies with me. He couldn't stay super long, apparently, this 'ghosting' took it out of him, whatever that meant. He kept me company though and tried to help me take my mind off of it. I still thought that I was suffering from the effects of Mare's Weed, but Lucas assured me that 'You're not on a weed sis, you're just lucky to have a brother who will come ghost your ass.'

Levi junior.

Evie had made me some kind of frozen drink that she had put champagne, strawberries, and lemon in. I had her pour more champagne in, thinking that maybe the alcohol would dull the pain from the heat, but I was so wrong.

It just made me sick, to the point that I was vomiting beside the bed from being dizzy while Derek held my hair. Nothing really helped but the ice and even the ice only did so much.

Derek had told me that apparently I had not sent the pack into a frenzy, thank God. A few females thought they were getting their heat, but it was thankfully a false alarm. However, they did have to switch out the warriors more frequently, apparently, my scent made them more or less crave their own mates more than usual.

Lucky them.

Liam and Evangeline came down to help Evan and Lyanna. Liam actually called my cell phone four times before I realized that it was actually ringing–that it wasn't my ears ringing from my head that either ached, was dizzy, or was trying to calm my beast down.

I got off the bed, my shirt sticking to my skin as I slid the unlock button on my phone to answer it. "What?" I groaned out.

"Hey Char, well, how are you?" Liam asked.

I let out a sharp laugh. "How do you think Liam?"

"Damn," he replied. "Well, we came to check on you."

"You came?"

"Look outside your window idiot," he replied teasingly.

I looked around until Lucas pointed to the smaller window over the nightstand on my side of the bed. Lucas was looking at them, his silver eyes looking over Liam and Evangeline who waved to me as I appeared in the window.

"You know sis, I think I would enjoy beating Liam's ass."

I rolled my eyes. "Find a new hobby."

Lucas gave me a long look. "No."

"You're a pest," I grumbled.

Lucas just laughed while I looked back to the window and waved at the wolves below. Evangeline smiled at me then snatched the phone from Liam, who just rolled his eyes and shrugged at me.

"Oh my God are you ok? I'm so sorry! I knew something like this would happen! But does he listen to me? No, the damn idiot has to–"

"Evangeline," I panted out as another wave of heat crept up. "Slow down I can barely keep up with my own thoughts as it is."

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