Birthday Present

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It was Alpha Danes birthday and 6 year old Caroline had the perfect present for him. She had been working on it all day yesterday. Caroline smiled at the piece of paper and folded it up neatly. She flattened her dirty and torn up dress as best as she could. Alpha Dane didn't allow her many clothes, he says it's too expensive and he doesn't want to pay for a child that's not even his.

It was upsetting to Caroline when Alpha Dane constantly reminded her that her mama and papa didn't want her so they dropped her off here. Caroline made the mistake of calling Alpha Dane papa and ended getting a severe whipping. That was 3 months ago because she was now of age to receive her own punishment.

Caroline looked in the mirror and saw Luna Violet standing behind her. "Ready to show him your present?" Luna Violet signed to Caroline. The little girl nodded eagerly.

Caroline smiled and quickly ran past Lune Violet and to the living room as fast as her little legs would take her. Luna Violet was her favorite person. Sometimes when they were alone she allowed Caroline to call her Mama. Only Mama and Caroline knew sign language. It was their secret. A person came into to help Caroline with her speech and lip reading while Mama taught her sign language on the side.

Caroline entered the living room and smiled when Alpha Dane and Vince turned to look at her. Vince rolled his eyes and continued to watch TV while Alpha Dane watched her with no emotion.

"What is it, girl?" She read Alpha Danes lips and quickly walked over to him with her present in her hand.

She saw Luna Violet enter and stand behind the couch, watching with a small smile.

Caroline handed him the paper and smiled happily at Alpha Dane. "For you," she said as best she could.

Alpha Dane frowned and opened up the paper. He frowned for a moment the stared at Caroline emotionless. "What is this?" He asks.

It was a picture of Alpha Dane, Luna Violet, Vince and Caroline holding hands as a happy family.

Caroline circled the stick figures in the paper with her finger and smiled when she said, "happy family."

Her heart dropped when Alpha Dane grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her closer to him. He shook her hard until her eyes landed on his lips.

"Listen to me, little girl and listen good. Violet, Vince and I are a happy family. You are not part of our family, do you understand?" He growled in her face. "You are nothing but a piece of shit that was left on my porch one night. You have no family!"

Carolines lip wobbled and she castes her tear filled eyes to the floor. She thought she was family.

Suddenly, Alpha Dane smacks the side of her head twice and hard, holding her up so she doesn't fall from the force. Her hand covers her injured head and she peeks and Alpha Dane as tears run down her eyes.

"Do you understand?" He roars. She can tell he's mad by the vein popping on his neck. She nods quickly. He smacked her head again. "Speak!"

"I understand," Caroline whimpers as her arms start to go numb from lack of blood flow.

Alpha Dane laughs and throws her on the floor. He always laughed when she spoke.

She quickly got up just in time for Alpha Dane to ball the paper up and throw it at her head. She grabbed the paper quickly and ran to her room which was the small closet by the basement.

Her small hands unwrinkled the paper and she slid it in her pillow case for safety. Then she sat on her bed which was only a blanket and pillow and cried.

Mama came in and held her, rocked her while Caroline sobbed quietly, scared Alpha Dane might hear her.

"I just want a family, Mama," Caroline whispered before falling asleep.


I know I know, but this was how Caroline lived as a child. This is all she knows. It's upsetting, I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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