Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I felt someone poke me in the cheek, disturbing my peaceful slumber. I absentmindedly swat it away and try to go back into dreamland but failing as a finger continues to poke me.

"Ugh," I reluctantly open my eyes and sit up in my chair. I take in my surroundings, noticing a pair of blue eyes staring right at me & said owner of the eyes really close to my face, too close for my liking, "uh, what are you doing?"

"I - I well Liam told me to wake you up so uh yeah.." Louis says with a faint blush.

"Okay well I'm up now, so could you kindly get out of face?"

"Oh.. right, sorry." He mumbled, backing up back into his seat with slight pink cheeks. Is he blushing?

"Hey are yo-" I start but was cut off.

"We will be landing in just a few minutes, please take your seats and fasten your seat belts and thank you for flying with us," the pilot says into the speakers broadcasted all over the plane.

I fasten my seat belt quickly, looking over at the other boys to see Niall & Zayn whispering and giggling to themselves while Liam is doing something his phone.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I look over to Louis and see he's looking at me with a scowl on his face and his arms crossed but he doesn't really look mad just confused.


I sigh. This is gonna be a very long two weeks.

The plane comes to a landing and I head to the door, noticing the other boys are already out and I follow them. I feel the warm air hit me as I step outside.


"Simon really hooked you guys up, this place is amazing!"

I look up & my eyes widen. The house where I assume we're staying is beautiful, breathtaking really. (picture of the house on the side, cause i suck at decribing and giving details lol)We're all in shock, just standing there gawking at the house untill someone finally breaks us out of our trances.

"Are you lot just going to stand there or are you gonna go inside?" Paul says.

We all start running up the small steps and towards the door. The door flies up and I'm speechless to say the least, the inside is about ten times better.

"This is awesome!" I exclaimed.

"You got that right!" Louis says, "Too bad I have to share it with you." I heard him mutter as he walked around to explore.

"I heard that."

"You were meant to!" I hear him shout from somewhere in the house. I enter the living room and plummet on the comfy-looking sofa. I guess the trip tired me out even tho I slept through the whole thing.

"So what are the sleeping arrangements?" Niall asks from his spot on Zayn's lap. Oh I didn't even notice they were there.

"I'll sleep anywhere as long as I'm sharing with Niall." Zayn states as he cuddles Niall closer. Those two are awfully chummy lately, I wonder if there's something more going there. Not that'd mind I mean they'd still be my best friends and they do look adorable together.

My thoughts were broken by Liam screaming from upstairs, "OH BOYS I THINK YOU MIGHT WANNA GET UP HERE." I wonder he could want. I start making my way upstairs with Ziall close behind me, I see Louis' already up here and Liam looks like he might burst into laughter any minute. Um okay weirdo.

"What do you want Liam?" Louis asks, quite sassy I mght add.

"Uh, well I don't know how to break this to you, but there's one bed in the whole house." Liam says as he's trying to hold in his giggles but failing miserably as he starts cracking up. I don't get what's so funny and by the confused look on his face neither does Louis.

"Don't get what the big deal is? So there's only one bed so wh-" I cut myself off, I finally getting it.

No, no, no, no.

I hear Niall and Zayn snickering from behind me.

"This is no laughing matter! Oh my god, lord kill me, stroke me with lighting, put me in a coma, anything please. This can't be happen." I'm probably gonna dig a hole into the floor with all the pacing I'm doing.

"What the hell are you idiots laughing about? What is wrong with you? Will someone explain to me what is the big deal!?" Louis exclaims, flaring his arms around, still clueless.

I gave hold of his shoulders, despit his protests, "Listen to me, I don't think you understand, there's only one bed in the WHOLE house, ONE! Do you know what this means!?" I tell him as I shake him back and forth until he gets me to let him go. I continue to pace and cuss every god above for doing this to me.

"So? I still don-" realization seems to have come to him as he stiffens on the spot and looks towards me.

"Oh hell no."

A/N chapter cuatro yay! so Larry has to share a bed haha what fun ;)

also... I'M SORRY I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON THAT NEVER UPDATES WHEN SHE'S SUPPOSED TO & I SUCK :( I really am sorry guys it's just I never have time for anything anymore with all the school I get and then whenever I get free time I'm too tired to do anything but enough about that. I hope you guys enjoy this it's not my best work if I'm being honest sigh oh well.

I wonder if anybody even reads authors notes, probably not. Let me know if you do that way don't feel like I'm talking to myself, heh. x

Okay, well vote, comment, I really like getting feedback from you guys.

okay well I'm outtie bitches (; xx

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