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this one is for sonderingly ;

Hello, Rayna! I see you've been here since May of last year and gosh, you've accomplished so much since then! You've written 5 beautiful and successful stories, gained a whole lot of followers and ran an amazing campaign. That just shows how awesome and fabulous you are - you're a magnitude of stardust and we're so glad to have you here!


this one is for wreathed ;

Hey, you absolutely wonderful person. You deserve to be celebrated every single day of the year, I promise, because you're so incredibly considerate and enthusiastic. You deserve all the followers in the world because you're a fantastic friend and writer; thank you for gracing us with your presence!


this one is for utopianism ;

Where do I start? Claire, you completely slay with your spectacular writing. You're generous, sincere, and one of the kindest people I have ever met and the world is so, so lucky to have you! You're really spirited too and the universe shines with your amazingness. Stay strong and I hope you have a magnificent day, always.


this one is for intrinsicly ;

Ina you warm amiable friendly person, it's such an honor to know you. From day one you have been empathetic and phenomenal and you're such a shining star. You inspire me (and probably thousands more) all the time and your poetry is a true gem, just like you. Keep being your beautiful self because no one, yes no one, is as genuine and creative as you.


this one is for scifiwriter ;

I just wanted to pop by and shout how awe-inspiringly talented you are. It's been marvellous having you with us for these two years and a half (and you've accomplished so much already)! I love how you're so outgoing and reach out to your readers even though you don't have to. All of your achievements are well-deserved and I hope you never forget how outstanding you are!


this one is for ImmortalImpulse ;

For being accepting, positive, and compassionate - you're an exceptional human being. You're so encouraging and you give so much to the community. You've brightened up a lot of lives, put a smile on a lot of faces, and generally stunned the world with your ability to give. I'm immensely grateful to have you on the site, sweets.


this one is for Call_Me_Sly ;

This is for you, lovely. Just by looking at your profile, I can tell that you're a brilliant ray of sunshine - and that's not even from talking to you! I can't even begin to describe your sweetness and readiness to give. You're really altruistic and empathetic and it's people like you who make Wattpad the dazzling place it is to be in. You're fantabulous and so so special!


this one is for TaliaArcher ;

Here's to one of the most active and bubbly users of our community! You treat everyone equally - which is fabtastical - and you're extremely gracious. It's nice to see you interact with others - you're consistently relatable and make everyone feel at ease! You're also really enthusiastic and cheerful and it's a joy to see you around.


this one is for MadelineSane ;

*throws confetti* hi there, Mad! I hope your day has been a wonderful one. You've taken the world by storm with your drop-dead gorgeous graphics and writing - but these talents of yours still don't hand a candle to your overall impressiveness. You're infinitely talented and wonderful and I hope you have an amazing year ahead!


this one is for eosophobic ;

I can already feel your immense support and kindness. You've utterly blown us away with your talent, your personality and just you in general in the short time you have been here - today, you have two (unique, special and super duper amazing) stories, a graphics book and have accomplished so much more! Hope you have the absolute best year ahead, lovely.

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