1 [day one]

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Photo above is how Louis looks. Except, he wears his glasses a lot.
Hey, Adam is back with another Larry fic! This one will be more focused on an actual plot, though. Hope you enjoy and keep reading!  💙💚
Oh yeah, the pictures above will show what the boys will look like! I will mix up time periods.

Honestly, Louis hated this place. There was no other way to say it. He did not like his new town, or his new house, or his new school, OR the fact that he had to leave all his friends behind. He hated all of it. He simply despised the small town he had moved to, and he was certain that his new school would suck. He had no friends, and he didn't even KNOW anyone! But his mother was just so fucking chipper about them moving to this "cute little town."

Naturally, Louis was bitter. He was bitter to his sister, Lottie, he was bitter to his mother- he was even bitter to his cocker spaniel, who was honestly just trying to make him feel better when he jumped on his bed. Louis just nudged him off and grumbled: "Fuck off, Winston." Which was the name of the poor thing.

The brunette boy was laid on his matress (I say this because it was yet to be a bed, the frame hadn't been put in his room yet), scrolling through Instagram. If he had made sure of anything, it was that they had working internet. He had been looking for people who might be going to his school, in his recommended "based on location." He saw a few girls, a substantial amount of fuckboys, some emo kids. You know. What you normally find.

He thought of his old school. All his other friends, his exgirlfriends, the assholes he wouldn't have to deal with anymore, all the people who knew him best were gone. People who he was comfortable with. They were gone. He almost felt a tear ghost down his face, but he quickly pulled it back in, dabbing his eyes swiftly with his sleeve. Just in case.

"Lou, if you'll come out of your room, I've got takeout!" Louis' mum called to him. Louis threw his head back and groaned. He couldn't resist takeout.

Over dinner, it was silent. Very uncomfortable. Lottie took a plate of food into her room, which had been almost fully furnished, since she wouldn't stop complaining. Louis had learned not complain too much about anything. It would only result in a commotion, and Louis found large commotions very overwhelming.

"Louis... Honey, I know you don't like moving. But we had no choice. London was just too expensive." Louis' mum needlessly explained. Louis already knew. The reason was totally valid. But he still didn't like it.

"Mum, I know. Please. I'm just upset." Louis replied, trying to be calm and not upset his mum.

There was more silence.

"You've got school tomorrow. Don't stay up too late." With that, she stood and threw away the empty containers. Louis followed suit and helped her clean.

"You get to bed, Louis. I love you." Louis allowed his mother to kiss his cheek, before he walked upstairs and into his room.


Louis stayed up until three in the morning. Just watching stupid YouTube videos, reading articles, and spamming his snapchat story. What he usually does.

Finally, he began to drift off. He thought of positive things that would happen tomorrow. He could meet a cute girl! He could make new friends! Maybe he would find a teacher that he really liked. Something like that. Something positive had to come out of this.

Of course, Louis dreamt of every bad outcome this could have. If it could have a bad or even just negative outcome, Louis thought of it.

Louis was a bit alarmed when he woke to London Calling by the classic British punk band The Clash. He quickly realized it was just his alarm, and quickly dismissed the alarm. He sat up and his hands through his messy brown hair. There was no avoiding this day. He had to go to school.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I'm cutting it off right here so the chapter isn't too long! Bc you know then I'll have expectations that are too big for myself lmaoo
See you next chapter! 💙💚

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